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[英]Draggable WPF window with no border

I'm using WindowStyle=None to remove the border of a WPF window. 我正在使用WindowStyle=None来删除WPF窗口的边框。 In the MainWindow.xaml.cs file I just added the following line to the constructor: 在MainWindow.xaml.cs文件中,我刚刚将以下行添加到构造函数中:

this.MouseLeftButtonDown += delegate { this.DragMove(); };

This somewhat works and lets me drag the window around wherever I left click inside the MainWindow, as long as it's not on any control. 这有点工作,让我可以将窗口拖动到我在MainWindow内部左键单击的位置,只要它不在任何控件上。 Because that's where I get problems. 因为那是我遇到问题的地方。 I have a textbox that takes up all the space inside the window, and as soon as I do this I can no longer move the window around when left clicking inside the textbox. 我有一个占据窗口内所有空间的文本框,一旦我这样做,我就不能再在文本框中左键单击时移动窗口了。

How can I make the window move around if the user left clicks inside the window and drags the mouse no matter what control the user is hitting? 如果用户在窗口内部发出咔嗒声并拖动鼠标,无论用户使用何种控制方式,如何让窗口四处移动?

Or simpler, how can I make the window move when the user left clicks and drags inside the textbox control? 或者更简单,当用户在文本框控件内点击并拖动时,如何让窗口移动?

Use the tunneled MouseDown event, ie, the PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown event of the Window. 使用隧道MouseDown事件,即Window的PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown事件。 This will ensure that the event occurs both on the Window and its child controls: 这将确保事件在Window及其子控件上发生:

this.PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown += (s, e) => DragMove();

You can also add an event to the TextBox manually: 您还可以手动将事件添加到TextBox:

textBox.MouseDown += (s, e) => DragMove();

But : 但是

Doing what you want has its inherent problems. 做你想做的事有其固有的问题。 It will not let you select text in the TextBox. 它不允许您在TextBox中选择文本。 There is a workaround - use a Key + MouseDrag input like this: 有一个解决方法 - 使用Key + MouseDrag输入,如下所示:

bool isKeyPressed = false;

public MainWindow()
    this.PreviewKeyDown += (s1, e1) => { if (e1.Key == Key.LeftCtrl) isKeyPressed = true; };
    this.PreviewKeyUp += (s2, e2) => { if (e2.Key == Key.LeftCtrl) isKeyPressed = false; };
    this.PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown += (s, e) => { if (isKeyPressed) DragMove(); };

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