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[英]How do you take part of a text using regex in perl

How do you take a part a line in a text file which will be used to reformat the way the file should look? 您如何在文本文件中占一行,该行将用于重新格式化文件外观?

so for example in my text of: 例如,在我的文字中:

Dec 27 21:49:41 osboxes NetworkManager[686]: <info>    nameserver ''

The regex that I made would match the the text 我制作的正则表达式将与文本匹配


but how do you make it so that the output will be different, basically rearranging so that it would look something like this 但是如何制作,以便输出会有所不同,基本上是重新排列,以便看起来像这样

**NetworkManager** osboxes Dec 27 21:49:41 <info>    nameserver ''. [686]

For your usecase, rather than dealing with all those regexes, just use the Parse::Syslog module: it should be more robust and flexible in case you needed to extend your script. 对于您的用例,而不是处理所有这些正则表达式,只需使用Parse :: Syslog模块:如果您需要扩展脚本,它应该更加健壮和灵活。

use strict;
use warnings;
use Parse::Syslog;
my $syslogfile = "syslog.txt";
my $parser = Parse::Syslog->new( $syslogfile , allow_future => 1);
while(my $sl = $parser->next) {
 print "**$sl->{program}** $sl->{host} ".localtime($sl->{timestamp})." $sl->{text} [".$sl->{pid}."]\n"; }

SOmething like this will do. 这样的事情会做。 Notice that we can simplify it a lot, since the date at the beginning will always be 15 characters. 请注意,由于开始日期始终为15个字符,因此我们可以对其进行很多简化。

$b = "Dec 27 21:49:41 osboxes NetworkManager[686]: <info>    nameserver ''";
$b =~ m/(.{15})\s+([a-z]*)\sNetworkManager(\[\d+\]):\s+(.*)/ig;
# **NetworkManager** osboxes Dec 27 21:49:41 <info>    nameserver ''. [686]
print( "**NetworkManager** $2 $1 $4 $3\n" );
# prints:
# **NetworkManager** osboxes Dec 27 21:49:41 <info>    nameserver '' [686]

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