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WordPress Loop从其他帖子中获取自定义元

[英]WordPress Loop Takes Custom Meta from other Posts

I used Devin Says' Team Post Type as a base for a custom post type with custom meta: https://github.com/devinsays/team-post-type . 我使用Devin Says的团队帖子类型作为带有自定义元的自定义帖子类型的基础: https : //github.com/devinsays/team-post-type My plugin is virtually unchanged, aside from language updates and added fields. 除了语言更新和添加的字段外,我的插件几乎未更改。

When I output my posts, Custom Meta values that are empty for subsequent posts in the loop take the value of previous posts. 当我输出帖子时,对于循环中后续帖子为空的Custom Meta值将采用先前帖子的值。 So - if the Custom Meta of 'telephone' for Post One is set to '555-555-5555' and the Custom Meta of 'telephone' for Post Two is not set, in my loop, it displays '555-555-555'. 所以-如果第一篇文章的“电话”的自定义元设置为“ 555-555-5555”,而第二篇文章的“电话”的自定义元未设置,则在我的循环中,它显示为“ 555-555-555” '。

So - the HTML output (for example) would look like: 因此-HTML输出(例如)如下所示:

    <h2>Person 1</h2>
    <h2>Person 2</h2>

... even when there is no phone number in the database for Person 2. ...即使数据库中没有人2的电话号码,也是如此。

I found this similar question which has the same symptom, but did not see a 'solution' that would help me - the recommendations that are stated are things I am doing already, and I do not see a critical difference in the way that I am calling data to the page: Values from custom meta boxes being repeated in posts 我发现了这个症状相同的类似问题,但是没有找到可以帮助我的“解决方案”-提出的建议是我已经在做的事情,并且我认为自己的方式没有重大差异调用数据到页面: 自定义元框中的值在帖子中重复

Does anyone have a suggestion regarding this problem? 有人对这个问题有建议吗?

I'm trying to output my posts using the following: 我正在尝试使用以下方法输出帖子:

add_shortcode('staff-list', 'jpro_staff_list'); 
function jpro_staff_list($atts) {

), $atts)); 

$args = array ( 
    'post_type' => array( 'staff' ), 
    'posts_per_page' => '-1', 
    'orderby' => 'menu_order', 
    'order'   => 'ASC' 
$query = new WP_Query( $args );

$staff_list = '<div class="jpro-staff staff-list container">';  

if ( $query->have_posts() ) {                                   
    while ( $query->have_posts() ) {

        $post   = get_post($id);
        $postID = $post->ID;

        $image  = get_the_post_thumbnail( $postID, 'medium', array( 'class' => 'aligncenter' ));
        $name   = get_the_title($postID);   
        $bio    = apply_filters('the_content', $post->post_content); 
        $title  = get_post_meta($postID, 'staff_title', true);
        $video  = get_post_meta($postID, 'staff_video', true);
        $email  = get_post_meta($postID, 'staff_email', true);
        $phone  = get_post_meta($postID, 'staff_phone', true);
        $fax    = get_post_meta($postID, 'staff_fax', true);        

        $output_image = '<div class="staff-list image">'.$image.'</div>';

        $output_name ='<h3 class="staff-name staff-list">'.$name.'</h3>';

        $output_bio ='<div class="staff-bio staff-list">'.$bio.'</div>';

        $output_video ='
            <div class="staff-video-container">
                <iframe class="staff-video staff-list" src="//www.'.$video.'" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen">

        $output_title ='<li class="staff-title staff-list">'.$title.'</li>';

        $output_email ='
            <a href="mailto:'.$email.'">
                <li class="staff-email staff-list"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i> '.$email.'</li>

        $output_phone ='
            <a href="tel:'.$phone.'">
                <li class="staff-phone staff-list"><i class="fa fa-phone-square"></i> '.$phone.'</li>

        $output_fax ='<li class="staff-fax staff-list"><i class="fa fa-fax"></i> '.$fax.'</li>';

            $staff_list .='<section class="jpro-staff staff-list">';
            $staff_list .= $output_name;
            $staff_list .= $output_video;
            $staff_list .= '<ul class="staff-meta staff-list">';
            $staff_list .= $output_image;
            $staff_list .= $output_name;
            $staff_list .= $output_title;
            $staff_list .= $output_email;
            $staff_list .= $output_phone;       
            $staff_list .= $output_fax;
            $staff_list .= '</ul>';
            $staff_list .= $output_bio;             
            $staff_list .= '</section>';
} else {
    $staff_list .='<p>Ooops! No Staff Found.</p>';

$staff_list .='</div>';     
return $staff_list; 


Technically your script works correctly. 从技术上讲,您的脚本可以正常工作。 Because you never clear the $output_xyz variables at any time your script assumes the value from the last loop. 因为您永远不会清除$output_xyz变量,所以脚本会采用上一次循环的值。

Either change your if ( !empty (...) ) ... to have an else block like this: 要么更改您的if ( !empty (...) ) ...以使其具有else块,如下所示:

if ( !empty ( $phone ) ) {
    $output_phone = '<a href="tel:'.$phone.'">...</a>';
} else {
    $output_phone = '';

Or clear the variables at the beginning of each loop: 或在每个循环开始时清除变量:

if ( $query->have_posts() ) {                                   
    while ( $query->have_posts() ) {

        $output_image = '';
        $output_phone = '';

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