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[英]Bindable collection which inserts at top and removes from bottom

I am using an ObservableCollection to which 25 items will be added per second in a background thread. 我正在使用ObservableCollection ,它将在后台线程中每秒添加25个项目。 The items are added using Insert to 0th position. 使用Insert到第0个位置添加项目。 After a time period, old items are being removed in a background thread. 一段时间后,旧项目将在后台线程中被删除。 The items at the end are being removed using RemoveAt . 最后的项目将使用RemoveAt This collection is binded to a datagrid. 该集合绑定到一个数据网格。 CPU usage is increasing and the UI is not responsive since these operations are being done. 由于这些操作已完成,因此CPU使用率正在增加,并且UI没有响应。

I have tried creating a custom stack and it won't satisfy the complete requirement as the items cannot be removed from bottom in an efficient way. 我曾尝试创建自定义堆栈,但由于无法高效地从底部将其移除,因此无法满足完整要求。

I need to create a bindable custom collection which inserts item to the top and removes from bottom in a very efficient manner. 我需要创建一个可绑定的自定义集合,该集合以非常有效的方式将项目插入顶部并从底部移除。

Looking forward to any kind of input/suggestions. 期待任何形式的意见/建议。 Thanks. 谢谢。

How about deriving your custom collection from ObservableCollection and just adding the bare minimum of needed extra functionality? ObservableCollection派生自定义集合并仅添加最少的所需额外功能怎么样? Something along the lines of 遵循以下原则

class ExtendedObservableCollection<T> : ObservableCollection<T>
    public void AddRange(int startingIndex, IEnumerable<T> items)
        var notifier = new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add, items.ToList(), startingIndex);

        foreach (var item in items)
            // insert to the underlying collection to avoid change events
            Items.Insert(startingIndex++, item);


    public void RemoveRange(int startingIndex, int count)
        // Do it yourself

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