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[英]what's the correct way to find out flask's endpoint by function name?

I have a flask demo, and it needs access control. 我有一个烧瓶演示,它需要访问控制。 My access control is base on function name, and I wrote a decorator to do it. 我的访问控制基于函数名,我编写了一个装饰器来实现。

The decorator define is: 装饰器的定义是:

def permission(fn):
    def wraped(*args, **kwargs):
        if _do_validate(fn.__name__):  # TODO do check user has privileges here
            return fn(*args, **kwargs)
    return wraped

Usage example as follow: 用法示例如下:

    def index():
        return 'hello world'

This work fine if user don't specify a endpoint, because Flask's default endpoint is fn.__name__ , in my example the endpoint='index' . 如果用户未指定端点,则此方法可以正常工作,因为Flask的默认端点为fn.__name__ ,在我的示例中为endpoint='index'

But when user specify a endpoint, or just use the blueprint, the endpoint was changed. 但是,当用户指定端点或仅使用蓝图时,端点已更改。 For example: 例如:

    bl = Blueprint('admin', __name__)

    def hello():
        return 'hello world in blueprint'

The endpoint is changed to admin.hello . 端点更改为admin.hello

I don't want to specify any arg in @permission , so a I write a new permission decorator as follow: 我不想在@permission指定任何arg,所以我写了一个新的权限装饰器,如下所示:

def permission(fn):
    def wraped(*args, **kwargs):
        m = fn.__module__.split('.')
        if len(m) <= 2:
            # app must define in the root module, so if user not use blueprint, juse use fn.__name__ as endpoint
            reg_f = fn.__name__
            # blue print must define in the submodule
            reg_f = '{0}.{1}'.format(m[1], fn.__name__)

        if _do_validate(ref_f):  # TODO do check user has privileges here
            return fn(*args, **kwargs)
    return wraped

The problem is solved, but I think it's not elegant. 问题已解决,但我认为这并不优雅。

Can anyone give me a better one? 谁能给我更好的一个? thx. 谢谢。

Your solution is not valid in case of blueprint's name is not equal to module's __name__ . 如果蓝图的名称不等于模块的__name__则您的解决方案无效。

I can propose the next solution: 我可以提出下一个解决方案:

from collections import defaultdict
registered = defaultdict(int)

def permission(fn):
    registered[fn.__name__] += 1
    fn.permission_token = "%s.%s" % (fn.__name__, registered[fn.__name__])

    def wraped(*args, **kwargs):
        if _do_validate(fn.permission_token):
            return fn(*args, **kwargs)
    return wraped

def foo():

def bar():

def _do_validate(permission_token):
    return {foo.permission_token: True,
            bar.permission_token: False}.get(permission_token, False)

The main drawback of it is that you have to import all your routes in the _do_validate 's module to create such "access control list". 它的主要缺点是您必须在_do_validate的模块中导入所有路由,才能创建此类“访问控制列表”。

UPD: Ok, because of you want to use endpoint values to check user access, the next solution allows to find endpoint by view function: UPD:好的,由于您要使用端点值来检查用户访问权限,因此下一个解决方案允许按视图功能查找端点:

from collections import defaultdict
from flask import current_app

def find_endpoint(fn):
    # This loop can be optimized by maintaining
    # {permission_token => endpoint} dict.
    for endpoint, view_func in current_app.view_functions.items():
        if getattr(view_func, 'permission_token', None) == fn.permission_token:
            return endpoint
    return None

registered = defaultdict(int)

def permission(fn):
    registered[fn.__name__] += 1

    def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
        endpoint = find_endpoint(wrapped)
        assert endpoint is not None
        if _do_validate(endpoint):
            return fn(*args, **kwargs)

    # This will work because flask's route decorator returns
    # an original view function, not the wrapped one.
    wrapped.permission_token = "%s.%s" % (fn.__name__, registered[fn.__name__])
    return wrapped

def _do_validate(endpoint):
    # Or search in the DB
    return {'index': True,
            'bp.index': False}.get(endpoint, False)

However, checking access by endpoint is not so good idea, because any code change during a development process could lead to undesired losing (or even worse - retrieving!) an access. 但是,按端点检查访问权限并不是一个好主意,因为在开发过程中任何代码更改都可能导致不希望的丢失(或更糟糕的是,正在获取!)访问权限。 So, for now my opinion is that using an extra action (or resource ) argument for the permission decorator will be reasonable. 因此,就目前而言,我认为对permission装饰器使用额外的action (或resource )参数将是合理的。 With such parameter you can freely modify your endpoints/view functions without any undesired side effects. 使用此类参数,您可以自由修改端点/视图功能,而不会产生任何不希望的副作用。

UPD2: Actually, the much more simple way to find an endpoint value into a wrapper function is just use request.endpoint . UPD2:实际上,在包装函数中查找端点值的更简单方法是使用request.endpoint

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