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JQuery UI工具提示:每个工具提示具有不同的图像

[英]JQuery UI Tooltip: Have different image per tooltip

I am kind of new to JavaScript so please excuse me if this is a dumb question. 我是JavaScript的新手,如果这是一个愚蠢的问题,请原谅。

I am trying to display a different image for each tool tip. 我试图为每个工具提示显示不同的图像。 JQuery UI has it setup so the text inside is the name of the image. jQuery UI进行了设置,因此其中的文本是图像的名称。

Check out my code below: 在下面查看我的代码:


<div id="tooltip" class="option-child"><a id="ceramic-pro-rain" title="The Title" data-geo="Rochester" href="#" >• 1 layer of Rain on all windows and glass</a></div>

JavaScript 的JavaScript

 <script type="text/javascript">
   $(function() {
      $( document ).tooltip({
        //items: "a, [data-geo], [title]",
        items: "a",
        position: {
          my: "left center-29",
          at: "right+10 center+18"
        content: function() {

                var element = $( this );

                if ( element.is( "[data-geo]" ) ) {
                  var text = element.text();
                  return "<img class='map' alt='" + text +
                    "' src='http://www.sample.com/img/tooltip/" +
                    text + ".jpg" + "'>";

                if ( element.is( "[title]" ) ) {
                  return element.attr( "title" );

                if ( element.is( "img" ) ) {
                  return element.attr( "alt" );

As your tooltip selector is items: "a" then following statement will never execute. 由于您的工具提示选择器是items: "a"因此以下语句将永远不会执行。

if ( element.is( "img" ) ) {
    return element.attr( "alt" );

Solution: 解:

If you want to add tooltip to all a & img tag with or without [data-geo] try out following js. 如果您想将工具提示添加到所有a &带有[data-geo] aimg标签,请尝试以下js。

    items: "a,img",
    position: {
        my: "left center-29",
        at: "right+10 center+18"
    content: function() {
        var element = $( this );
        if(element.is( "[data-geo]" )){
            return '<img class="map" alt="'+ $(this).data('geo') +'"  src="http://lorempixel.com/image_output/'+ $(this).data('geo') +'.jpg" />';

        if ( element.is( "[title]" ) ) {
            return element.attr( "title" );

        if ( element.is( "img" ) ) {
            return element.attr( "alt" );

I have also added html to cover all possible variant. 我还添加了html以涵盖所有可能的变体。

<div id="tooltip" class="option-child">
    <a id="ceramic-pro-rain" title="The Title" data-geo="Rochester" href="#" >• 1 layer of Rain on all windows and glass</a>
    <img src="http://lorempixel.com/400/200/sports/" alt="sports image">
<a id="ceramic-pro-rain" title="The Title" href="#" >• Link without data-geo</a>

jsfiddle link jsfiddle链接

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