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[英]How to add prefix to each element of XML

how can I add prefix to each element of my XML. 如何为XML的每个元素添加前缀。

So in general from XML like this: 因此,通常从XML像这样:


Make something like this: 做这样的事情:


I understand there is possible to do something like this with str_replace (as example below) but it is just heavy messy code which is useless if XML become 500 lines long or something similar. 我知道可以使用str_replace做类似的事情(如下例所示),但这只是繁琐的代码,如果XML长度达到500行或类似的东西,这将是无用的。

Any ideas how can I do this simple? 任何想法,我怎么能做到这一点简单?

public function addNameSpace($xml) {
    $xml = str_replace('<CLASSXml>', '<ns2:CLASSXml>', $xml);
    $xml = str_replace('</CLASSXml>', '</ns2:CLASSXml>', $xml);
    $xml = str_replace('<CalculationIndex>', '<ns2:CalculationIndex>', $xml);
    $xml = str_replace('</CalculationIndex>', '</ns2:CalculationIndex>', $xml);

    // What to do?

Using regex in PHP, It will be very easy 在PHP中使用regex,这将非常容易

$xmlString = preg_replace( '/(?<=\<)([^\/].*?)(?=\>)/', 'ns2:$1', $xmlString); // for <test>
$xmlString = preg_replace( '/(?<=\<\/)(.*?)(?=\>)/', 'ns2:$1', $xmlString); // for </test>

Where $xmlString is your xml content. 其中$ xmlString是您的xml内容。

Your function 您的职能

public function addNameSpace($xml)
    $xml = preg_replace( '/(?<=\<)([^\/].*?)(?=\>)/', 'ns2:$1', $xml );
    $xml = preg_replace( '/(?<=\<\/)(.*?)(?=\>)/', 'ns2:$1', $xml ); 

or suggested: for different namespace 或建议:用于其他名称空间

public function addNameSpace($xml, $namespace)
    $xml = preg_replace( '/(?<=\<)([^\/].*?)(?=\>)/', $namespace.'$1', $xml );
    $xml = preg_replace( '/(?<=\<\/)(.*?)(?=\>)/', $namespace.'$1', $xml ); 

Right now on which technology you are using .. there is a method in spring in which you can add prefix to each element .. 现在,您正在使用哪种技术..春季有一种方法可以在每个元素上添加前缀。

marshaller.setProperty("com.sun.xml.bind.namespacePrefixMapper", new NamespacePrefixMapper() {
            public String getPreferredPrefix(String arg0, String arg1, boolean arg2) {
                return "ns1";

Or there is another way to do this 或有另一种方法可以做到这一点

    namespace = "http://www.example.com/a",
    elementFormDefault = XmlNsForm.QUALIFIED,
    xmlns = {
        @XmlNs(prefix="ns1", namespaceURI="http://www.example.com/a")

package authenticator.beans.login;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*;

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