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[英]How to use one .js file for multiple .html pages using AngularJS

I have one function in a JS file which should ideally be used by multiple html pages. 我在JS文件中有一个函数,理想情况下应由多个HTML页面使用。 I don't want to duplicate this function to another file. 我不想将此功能复制到另一个文件。 Currently, my js file starts like this: 目前,我的js文件开始如下:

     var app = angular.module('Project1', []);

and the first html that has been using this JS is obviously called Project1. 并且使用此JS的第一个html显然称为Project1。 I want 'Prject2' html to use this JS to, and I tried this: 我希望'Prject2'html使用此JS,并且尝试了此操作:

     var app = angular.module('Project1', 'Project2' []);

However, this doesn't work. 但是,这不起作用。 Any idea of how I can utilize this AngularJS file for multiple html pages without duplicating the desired functions? 关于如何在不复制所需功能的情况下如何将AngularJS文件用于多个html页面的任何想法?


You can create your first module as you did in your first sample. 您可以像在第一个示例中一样创建第一个模块。

Your next sample can then use the 'Project1' by setting up a dependency to that module, like so: 然后,您的下一个示例可以通过对该模块设置依赖项来使用“ Project1”,如下所示:

var app = angular.module('Project2', ['Project1']);

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