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[英]Copy a row of a table when a cell in a specified column changes

I'm trying to copy the row in a table when a cell in a specified column has data inserted then paste this row into another sheet. 当指定列中的单元格插入数据时,我试图复制表中的行,然后将此行粘贴到另一张表中。

The table starts at cell A3 being the first header to the table and it is 9 columns long, there will be an endless amount of rows. 该表从作为该表的第一个标题的单元格A3开始,它的长度为9列,将有无数行。

The column to monitor for change is column 8, named "Date Complete". 监视更改的列是名为“日期完成”的列8。 The information entered should always be a date, format "dd mmm". 输入的信息应始终为日期,格式为“ dd mmm”。

The row needs to be copied onto a sheet with the same name as the date entered into column 8 which may not exist before the date is entered. 该行需要复制到与输入第8列的日期同名的工作表上,该日期在输入日期之前可能不存在。

Also before the copying is done I would like a text box to enter notes into the corresponding cell in column 9, named "Notes". 同样,在完成复制之前,我想在第9列的相应单元格中将笔记输入笔记,即“笔记”。

Private Sub Worksheet_change(ByVal Target As Range)

   Const lngdatecomplete As Long = 8

   Dim wks As Worksheet

   Dim lngNextAvailableRow As Long

   If Target.Areas.Count = 1 And Target.Cells.Count = 1 Then

      If Not Intersect(Target, Columns(lngdatecomplete)) Is Nothing Then                            

         On Error Resume Next
         Set wks = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(Target.Value)
         On Error GoTo 0

         If wks Is Nothing Then

            lngNextAvailableRow = wks.Range("a1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count + 1
            ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(Target.Row, 2), Cells(Target.Row, 8)).copy _
             wks.Range("A" & lngNextAvailableRow).PasteSpecial

         ElseIf Not wks Is Nothing Then

            Dim ShtName$

            Sheets.Add after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)

            ShtName = Format(Date, "dd mmm")

            Sheets(Sheets.Count).Name = ShtName

            Sheets(ShtName).Visible = True

            lngNextAvailableRow = wks.Range("a1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count + 1
            ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(Target.Row, 2), Cells(Target.Row, 8)).copy _
             wks.Range("A" & lngNextAvailableRow).PasteSpecial

         End If
      End If
   End If
End Sub

The following seems pretty robust and will accept multiple values pasted into column H. I would advise setting a breakpoint on the Application.EnableEvents = False code line and typing a date into column H. Once you arrive at the breakpoint, you can step through each line with the F8 key. 下面的代码看起来很健壮,并且可以接受粘贴到H列中的多个值。我建议在Application.EnableEvents = False代码行上设置一个断点,并在H列中输入一个日期。一旦到达断点,就可以逐步执行每个操作按F8键。

Private Sub Worksheet_change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Const lDATECMPLT As Long = 8

    If Not Intersect(Target, Columns(lDATECMPLT)) Is Nothing Then
        On Error GoTo bm_Safe_Exit
        'Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Application.EnableEvents = False
        Dim trgt As Range
        For Each trgt In Intersect(Target, Columns(lDATECMPLT))
            If trgt.Row > 3 And IsDate(trgt) Then
                trgt.NumberFormat = "dd mmm"
                On Error GoTo bm_Need_WS
                With Worksheets(trgt.Text)
                    On Error GoTo bm_Safe_Exit
                    trgt.Resize(1, 7).Offset(0, -6).Copy _
                      Destination:=.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
                    'optional mark the row copied
                    'With trgt.Resize(1, 7).Offset(0, -6).Font
                    '    .Strikethrough = True
                    '    .Color = RGB(120, 120, 120)
                    'End With
                End With
            End If
        Next trgt
    End If
    GoTo bm_Safe_Exit

    On Error GoTo 0
    With Worksheets.Add(after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count))
        .Name = trgt.Text
        .Visible = True
        .Cells(1, 1).Resize(1, 7) = Me.Cells(3, 2).Resize(1, 7).Value2
        With ActiveWindow
            .SplitColumn = 0
            .SplitRow = 1
            .FreezePanes = True
            .Zoom = 80
        End With
    End With

    Application.EnableEvents = True
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

I left some extras like copying the headers from the original worksheet into the new worksheet, freezing row 1 on the new worksheet, zooming the new worksheet, etc. Delete or adjust these these if you do not find them helpful. 我留下了一些额外的信息,例如将标题从原始工作表复制到新工作表中,冻结新工作表上的第1行,缩放新工作表等。如果您认为这些内容不起作用,请删除或调整这些内容。

When you have made all adjustments to the code, uncomment the 'Application.ScreenUpdating = False code line to avoid screen flashes. 对代码进行所有调整后,请取消注释'Application.ScreenUpdating = False代码行,以避免屏幕闪烁。


声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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