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[英]check dicts in list and remove invalid dict

I want to check dicts in a list which format is : 我想检查列表中的字典,其格式为:

  • It should have key : class , subject , teacher 它应该有关键: classsubjectteacher
  • And the value of the key can't not be blank 并且密钥的值不能为空

But I got weird result : 但是我得到了奇怪的结果:
In case 1 {'subject':'history','teacher':'Marry'} is invalid 如果1 {'subject':'history','teacher':'Marry'}无效
But the code didn't remove it ! 但是代码并没有将其删除!

And case 2 works well 案例2运作良好

Here is what I do : 这是我的工作:

# case 1
data_list = [{'class':'A','subject':'math','teacher':'Sam'},

# case 2
# data_list = [{'teacher': 'Marry', 'subject': 'D'}]

for data in data_list:
    message['class'] = data.get('class',required_field) or blank_field
    message['subject'] = data.get('subject',required_field) or blank_field
    message['teacher'] = data.get('teacher',required_field) or blank_field

    if required_field in message.values() or blank_field in message.values():
        print "This dict need to be remove:{}".format(message)

print "#### final list ####"  
print data_list     
print "#### final list ####"

case 1 result : 情况1结果:

This dict need to be remove:{'teacher': 'This_field_may_not_be_blank', 'class': 'This_field_may_not_be_blank', 'subject': 'This_field_may_not_be_blank'}  
#### final list ####
[{'teacher': 'Sam', 'class': 'A', 'subject': 'math'}, 
 {'teacher': 'Marry', 'subject': 'history'}]
#### final list ####

case 2 result : 情况2结果:

This dict need to be remove:{'teacher': 'Marry', 'class': 'This_field_is_required', 'subject': 'D'}
#### final list ####
#### final list ####

AJK has pointed out what's going wrong with your code, but you can also make it much shorter, and therefore easier to understand. AJK指出了代码出了什么问题,但是您也可以使其变得更短,因此更容易理解。 Bear in mind that the dictionary get method will return None if the given key isn't in the dict, and that both None and the empty string "" evaluate to false. 请记住,如果给定键不在字典中,则字典的get方法将返回None ,并且None和空字符串""都将得出false。

So the easiest way to proceed would be to create a new list of the acceptable entries as follows: 因此,最简单的方法是创建一个新的可接受条目列表,如下所示:

result = []
for d in data_list:
    if d.get("class") and d.get("subject") and d.get("teacher"):

You can shorten this by using a comprehension: 您可以通过理解来缩短此时间:

result = [d for d in data_list
          if d.get("class") and d.get("subject") and d.get("teacher")]

This is because you should never delete items from a list which you're iterating over using a for . 这是因为您绝不应该从for迭代的列表中删除项目。

Here is a similar module : problem Deleting list items in a for loop (python) 这是一个类似的模块: 问题删除for循环中的列表项(python)

use th copy module. 使用copy模块。 copied_list = copy.deepcopy(original_list)

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