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[英]Method override for the designated initializer of the superclass '-init' not found

I've encountered following address of Braintree in my XCode 7. Before upgrading to XCode 7, everything is working smooth. 我在XCode 7中遇到了Braintree的以下地址。在升级到XCode 7之前,一切工作正常。 Now got that problem. 现在遇到了问题。 Please let me know how to solve that issue. 请让我知道如何解决该问题。

/.../Pods/Braintree/Braintree/API/Client/BTAPIResponseParser.m:9:17: Method override for the designated initializer of the superclass '-init' not found /.../Pods/Braintree/Braintree/API/Client/BTAPIResponseParser.m:9:17:未找到超类'-init'的指定初始化方法的方法覆盖


What version of Braintree are you using? 您正在使用哪个版本的Braintree? It may be that you need to update to 3.9.3, which includes xCode7 support. 可能您需要更新到3.9.3,其中包括xCode7支持。 ( https://github.com/braintree/braintree_ios/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md ) https://github.com/braintree/braintree_ios/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md

You probably already know this, but just change the version number in your podfile, and then run "pod install" in the terminal. 您可能已经知道这一点,但是只需更改podfile中的版本号,然后在终端中运行“ pod install”即可。

I was facing the same issue. 我面临着同样的问题。 After hours of struggle I got the solution: 经过数小时的奋斗,我得到了解决方案:

Update the Braintree pod to 3.9.3 version 将Braintree Pod更新到3.9.3版本

pod 'Braintree' , '~> 3.9.3'

After that in Link Binaries with Libraries Delete the libPayPalMobile.a file. 之后,在“ Link Binaries with Libraries删除libPayPalMobile.a文件。

This Solution works for me. 该解决方案对我有用。

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