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[英]Project Structure for Django Application

I am new to Django and using Pycharm from IntelliJ as my IDE. 我是Django的新手,并使用IntelliJ的Pycharm作为我的IDE。 When typing: 输入时:

$ django-admin startproject mysite $ django-admin startproject mysite

the following project structure is generated: 生成以下项目结构:


This doesn't quite make sense since the files settings.py, urls.py, and wsgi.py are project specific, not app or package specific. 这没有多大意义,因为文件settings.py,urls.py和wsgi.py是项目特定的,而不是app或特定于包。 Hence, they should go in the root folder just like manage.py. 因此,它们应该像manage.py一样进入根文件夹。 Please advise. 请指教。 Thanks. 谢谢。

That is the typical project layout, as you can see in the tutorial . 这是典型的项目布局,如教程中所示

You can change the layout if you want, but I recommend that you don't. 如果需要,您可以更改布局,但我建议您不要。 If you moved settings.py that would confuse manage.py , if you moved urls.py then you'd have to update ROOT_URLCONF in settings.py , and so on. 如果你移动了settings.py会使manage.py混淆,如果你移动了urls.py那么你必须在settings.py更新ROOT_URLCONF ,依此类推。

If you wish to store your settings.py , url.py and wsgi.py files in the root project directory with manage.py you can do so, but you will have to make a couple of alterations to the settings.py file and the way you run your project locally. 如果您希望使用manage.py在根项目目录中存储settings.pyurl.pywsgi.py文件,则可以这样做,但是您必须对settings.py文件进行一些更改,在本地运行项目的方式。

  • use python manage.py runserver --settings=settings (instead of the default python manage.py runserver -settings=mysite.settings ) to tell Django to use a settings file in the root project directory. 使用python manage.py runserver --settings=settings (而不是默认的python manage.py runserver -settings=mysite.settings )告诉Django使用根项目目录中的设置文件。

  • change ROOT_URLCONF in settings.py from 'mysite.urls' to 'urls' . 改变ROOT_URLCONFsettings.py'mysite.urls''urls'

  • change WSGI_APPLICATION in settings.py from 'mysite.wsgi.application' to 'wsgi.application' . 改变WSGI_APPLICATIONsettings.py'mysite.wsgi.application''wsgi.application'

Depending on preferences, it is actually relatively common to change the structure of your project (within reason). 根据偏好,改变项目结构(在合理范围内)实际上是相对常见的。 For example, the well-read Django book Two Scoops of Django suggests that you store different versions of your settings.py files in a mysite/settings as follows (ignoring urls/wsgi/apps for the moment): 例如,精心阅读的Django书中的两个Scoops of Django建议您在mysite/settings存储不同版本的settings.py文件,如下所示(暂时忽略urls / wsgi / apps):


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