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Excel在同一列中向所有人发送电子邮件,只需要向特定单元格中的所有人发送电子邮件。 怎么样?

[英]Excel sending emails to all people in one Column, need to email only person in specific cell. How?

I am creating a spreadsheet that will email supervisors 30, 15, and 7 days before the a report is due. 我正在创建一个电子表格,该电子表格将在报告到期前30、15和7天通过电子邮件发送给主管。 Everything is working, except it is sending emails to everyone in Column L and not the designated person in Column L. 一切正常,除了它正在向L列中的每个人发送电子邮件,而不是向L列中的指定人员发送电子邮件。


Please help. 请帮忙。 I have copied and pasted the code below. 我已经复制并粘贴了以下代码。

Public Sub GetDates()
    Dim rw As Integer
    Dim subj As String
    rw = 2

    With ActiveSheet

       Do Until .Range("A" & rw) = ""
            If .Range("M" & rw) = "" Then
                If DateAdd("D", 30, Date) = .Range("G" & rw) Then
                    Call SendEmail(Range("A" & rw), Range("B" & rw), 30, Range("L" & rw), False)
                ElseIf DateAdd("D", 15, Date) = .Range("G" & rw) Then
                    Call SendEmail(Range("A" & rw), Range("B" & rw), 15, Range("L" & rw), False)
                ElseIf DateAdd("D", 7, Date) = .Range("G" & rw) Then
                    Call SendEmail(Range("A" & rw), Range("B" & rw), 7, Range("L" & rw), False)
                End If
            End If

            If Day(Date) = 1 And .Range("G" & rw) < Date And .Range("M" & rw) = "" Then
                subj = subj & .Range("A" & rw) & ", " & .Range("B" & rw) & "--" & .Range("C" & rw) & " Report Past Due" & vbCrLf
            End If
            rw = rw + 1


        If subj <> "" Then
            Call SendEmail(subj, "", 0, "supervisor@company.com", True)
            Call SendEmail(subj, "", 0, "aothersupervisor@company.com", True)
        End If
    End With

End Sub

Public Sub SendEmail(lName As String, fName As String, nDays As Integer, sTo As String, LastEmail As Boolean)

    Dim iMsg As Object
    Dim iConf As Object
    Dim cell As Range
    Dim Flds As Variant

    Set iMsg = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
    Set iConf = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")

     iConf.Load -1    ' CDO Source Defaults
        Set Flds = iConf.Fields
        With Flds
            .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2
            .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") _
                           = "server"
            .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = 25
        End With

For Each cell In ActiveSheet.Columns("L").Cells
        If cell.Value Like "?*@?*.?*" Then
            Set iMsg = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
    With iMsg
        Set .Configuration = iConf
        .to = cell.Value
        .CC = ""
        .BCC = ""
        .From = """Report Due"" <donotreply@company.com>"
        .Subject = "Report Due"
        .HTMLBody = lName & ", " & fName & "  <a href='http://www.website.com'>Probation Report</a> / <a href='http://www.website.com'>IDP Report</a> Due in " & nDays & " days"
            End With
            Set iMsg = Nothing
    End If
Next cell

With Application
    .EnableEvents = True
    .ScreenUpdating = True
End With

End Sub

In the SendEmail subroutine you never use the Column L email parameter, sTo , and instead routine iterates through every cell in Column L: SendEmail子例程中,您永远不会使用L列电子邮件参数sTo ,而例程会遍历L列中的每个单元格:

For Each cell In ActiveSheet.Columns("L").Cells
Next cell

Remove this For loop and use sTo : 删除此For循环并使用sTo

If sTo Like "?*@?*.?*" Then
    Set iMsg = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
    With iMsg
        Set .Configuration = iConf
        .to = sTo
        .CC = ""
        .BCC = ""
        .From = """Report Due"" <donotreply@company.com>"
        .Subject = "Report Due"
        .HTMLBody = lName & ", " & fName & "  <a href='http://www.website.com'>Probation Report</a> / <a href='http://www.website.com'>IDP Report</a> Due in " & nDays & " days"
    End With

    Set iMsg = Nothing
End If

By the way, in your GetDates subroutine, consider using Select Case over the repeated ElseIf for readability as you have multiple conditions to manage: 顺便说一句,在您的GetDates子例程中,考虑到要管理的多个条件,请考虑在重复的ElseIf使用Select Case以提高可读性:

Select Case .Range("G" & rw)

    Case DateAdd("D", 30, Date)
        Call SendEmail(Range("A" & rw), Range("B" & rw), 30, Range("L" & rw), False)

    Case DateAdd("D", 15, Date)
        Call SendEmail(Range("A" & rw), Range("B" & rw), 15, Range("L" & rw), False)

    Case DateAdd("D", 7, Date)
        Call SendEmail(Range("A" & rw), Range("B" & rw), 7, Range("L" & rw), False)

End Select

Alternatively, even shorter: 另外,甚至更短:

Select Case .Range("G" & rw) - Date

    Case 7, 15, 30
        Call SendEmail(Range("A" & rw), Range("B" & rw), _
                       .Range("G" & rw) - Date, Range("L" & rw), False)

End Select


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