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[英]java won't break up a user input with multiple double and char variables using Scanner and System.in

I want the user to input a math equation using one of these variables: *, /, +, - 我希望用户使用以下变量之一输入数学方程式:*,/,+,-

Input Examples (with no spaces) : 2*2, 35.7/3, 4.5+5.5 输入示例(不带空格):2 * 2、35.7 / 3、4.5 + 5.5

Then I want to break the first number, char variable, and second number apart and store them into separate variables. 然后,我想将第一个数字,char变量和第二个数字分开,并将它们存储到单独的变量中。

When I use this code: 当我使用此代码时:

import java.io.*;
import java.util.Scanner;

class Extra {
    public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException {

        double fnum, snum;
        char operator;

        System.out.println("Type Operation.");
        Scanner s = new Scanner ( System.in );

        fnum = s.nextDouble();
        operator = s.next().charAt(fnum + 1);
        snum = s.nextDouble();



I get this error/response: 我收到此错误/响应:

Type Operation.

Exception in thread "main" java.util.InputMismatchException

   at java.util.Scanner.throwFor(Unknown Source)

   at java.util.Scanner.next(Unknown Source)

   at java.util.Scanner.nextInt(Unknown Source)

   at java.util.Scanner.nextInt(Unknown Source)

   at Extra.main(Extra.java:24)

I really want to use something like this: 我真的很想使用这样的东西:

operator = s.next("[*,/,+,-]").charAt(fnum + 1);

Please Help, I don't know what I'm doing wrong. 请帮助,我不知道我在做什么错。

nextDouble reads until the next whitespace. nextDouble读取直到下一个空格。 Since you specify your entire input as given without any whitespaces, it fails (since, for example, 2*2 is not a valid Double value). 由于您按给定的方式指定了整个输入而没有任何空格,因此它将失败(例如,因为2*2不是有效的Double值)。

If you don't want any whitespaces, you could simply read the entire line and then parse it: 如果您不需要任何空格,则可以简单地读取整行,然后对其进行解析:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    double fnum, snum;
    char operator;

    System.out.println("Type Operation.");
    Scanner s = new Scanner ( System.in );

    String str = s.nextLine();
    String[] arr = str.split("[*/+-]");
    fnum = Double.parseDouble(arr[0]);
    snum = Double.parseDouble(arr[1]);
    operator = str.charAt(arr[0].length());




Note that split expects a regex, so it basically takes the input string and split it according to any occurrence of an operator (as defined in your question). 请注意, split期望使用正则表达式,因此它基本上采用输入字符串,并根据出现的任何运算符(如您的问题中所定义的那样)对它进行分割。 If the input is valid, the result will be an array with two double values. 如果输入有效,则结果将是具有两个double值的数组。

Of course, it'd be a good idea to wrap these with input validity checks. 当然,用输入有效性检查将它们包装起来是一个好主意。

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