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[英]what is the reserved keyword for NaN in javascript?

if i want to test the result of an expression and the function would return NaN how would i check that? 如果我想测试表达式的结果,函数将返回NaN我将如何检查?
examples: 例子:
^ does not work and i assume that the returned value is not a string, ^不起作用,我假设返回的值不是字符串,
^ doesnt seem to work either and this one seems obvious ^似乎也没有工作,这一个似乎很明显

so how do i check wether the returned value is not a number? 那么如何检查返回值是不是一个数字?

The NaN value is defined to be unequal to everything, including itself. NaN值被定义为不等于所有东西,包括它自身。 Test if a value is NaN with the isNaN() function, appropriately enough. 使用isNaN()函数测试值是否为NaN,足够恰当。 (ECMAScript 6 adds a Number.isNan() function with different semantics for non-number arguments, but it's not supported in all browsers yet as of 2015). (ECMAScript 6为非数字参数添加了一个具有不同语义的Number.isNan()函数,但截至2015年,它并未在所有浏览器中都受支持)。

There are two built-in properties available with a NaN value: the global NaN property (ie window.NaN in browsers), and Number.NaN . 有两个内置属性可用,具有NaN值:全局NaN属性(即浏览器中的window.NaN )和Number.NaN It is not a language keyword. 不是语言关键字。 In older browsers, the NaN property could be overwritten, with potentially confusing results, but with the ECMAScript 5 standard it was made non-writable . 在较旧的浏览器中, NaN属性可能会被覆盖,结果可能会令人困惑,但是使用ECMAScript 5标准时,它是不可写的

  • As @some pointed out in the comments, there is also the global function isFinite() which may be useful. 正如@some在注释中指出的那样,还有全局函数isFinite()可能很有用。

the best way to check the result of numeric operation against NaN is to aproach this way , example: 检查针对NaN的数值运算结果的最佳方法是以这种方式实现,例如:

var x  = 0;
var y  = 0;
var result = x/y;  // we know that result will be NaN value
// to test if result holds a NaN value we should use the following code :

if(result !=result){
console.log('this is an NaN value');

and it's done. 它已经完成了。

the trick is that NaN can't be compared to any other value even with it self(NaN !=NaN is always true so we can take advantage of this and compare result against itself) 诀窍是NaN无法与任何其他值进行比较,即使是自我(NaN!= NaN总是如此,所以我们可以利用这个并将结果与​​自身进行比较)

this is JavaScript(a good and bizarre language) 这是JavaScript(一种优秀而奇异的语言)

Equality operator (== and ===) cannot be used to test a value against NaN. 等式运算符(==和===)不能用于测试针对NaN的值。 Use Number.isNaN() or isNaN() instead. 请改用Number.isNaN()或isNaN()。

NaN === NaN;        // false
Number.NaN === NaN; // false
isNaN(NaN);         // true
isNaN(Number.NaN);  // true

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