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MongoDb-聚合:如何使用$ elemMatch对子文档数组进行$ filter数组文档过滤?

[英]MongoDb - Aggregation: How to $filter array documents with $elemMatch on a subdocument array?

I'm trying use $filter on an aggregation. 我正在尝试在聚合上使用$ filter。 I need to filter an array called 'extras' that intersect at least one of his 'seasons' with the giving 'dates'. 我需要过滤一个称为“ extras”的数组,该数组与他的至少一个“季节”与给出的“ date”相交。

Here an example: 这里是一个例子:

var from = new Date(2016, 0, 1);
var to = new Date(2016, 0, 5)

var projection = {
    name: 1,
    units: 1,
    capacity: 1,
    availabilitySeasons: { // This works
      $filter: {
        input: '$availabilitySeasons',
        as: 'avSeason',
        cond: {
          $and: [{
            $lte: ['$$avSeason.from', to]
          }, {
            $gte: ['$$avSeason.to', from]
    rate: 1,
    features: 1,
    extras: {
      $filter: { // $elemMatch is no valid
        input: '$extras',
        as: 'extra',
        cond: {
          $elemMatch: ['$$extra.seasons', {
            from: {
              $lte: from
            to: {
              $gte: to

It's possible to use $filter in this case? 在这种情况下可以使用$ filter吗? Do I have to rush through a $unwind/$group hell? 我是否必须急于完成$ unwind / $ group地狱?

Yes, you can do it. 是的,您可以做到。 As for the following example, use a condition with $lte and $gte inside a $and condition. 对于以下示例,请在$ and条件中使用带有$ lte$ gte的条件。

$project: {
       items: {
           $filter: {
              input: "$items",
              as: "item",
              cond: { 
                 $and: [ 
                    $lt: [ "$$item.price", 100 ],
                    $gt: [ "$$item.price", 50 ]
                 ] }

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