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[英]Pointer confusion in C programming language

Hello guys and a happy new year! 大家好,新年快乐!

I have difficulty understanding pointers in C language. 我很难理解C语言中的指针。 As far as I learned a pointer is a special variable that stores addresses of regular variables. 据我所知,指针是一个存储常规变量地址的特殊变量。

Ι am posting two samples of code which are equivalent. 我正在发布两个相同的代码示例。 In the first I typed into scanf the &d1.am . 在第一次我输入scanf &d1.am

In the second sample if I change the &d1.am to ptd1.am it pops up a compile error and I cannot understand why. 在第二个示例中,如果我将&d1.am更改为&d1.amptd1.am弹出编译错误 ,我无法理解原因。

struct student{
    int am;
    char stname[20];
    char stsurname[20];

int main(){

struct student d1;
printf("1st student\n");
printf("Enter am\n");
scanf("%d", &d1.am)

Second equivalent sample: 第二个等效样本:

struct student{
    int am;
    char stname[20];
    char stsurname[20];

int main(){

struct student d1;
struct student *ptd1;
printf("1st student\n");
printf("Enter am\n");
scanf("%d", &(*ptd1).am);

I know the correct is to type &(*ptd1).am instead but I can't figure why. 我知道正确的是键入&(*ptd1).am而不是我无法&(*ptd1).am为什么。 How &(*ptd1).am is equal to &d1.am and ptd1.am is not? 怎么&(*ptd1).am等于&d1.amptd1.am I typed clearly that ptd1=&d1 ! 我清楚地输入了ptd1=&d1

Thanks in advance for your help! 在此先感谢您的帮助!

. operator has higher precedence than unary & . 运算符的优先级高于一元& &d1.am is equivalent to &(d1.am) while ptd1.am is equivalent to (&d1).am , that said &d1.am != (&d1).am . &d1.am相当于&(d1.am)ptd1.am相当于(&d1).am ,表示&d1.am != (&d1).am

The structure access operator ( . ) has higher precedence than the address-of operator ( & ). 结构访问运算符( . )的优先级高于运算符地址( & )。 So &d1.am is the address of the am member of d1 , which is an int* , which differs from the type of ptd1 ( struct student * ). 所以&d1.amd1am成员的地址,它是一个int* ,它与ptd1struct student * )的类型不同。

Has other have said the . 还有其他人说过. operator has higher precedence than & . 运算符的优先级高于& So that ptd1.am is equivalent to (&d1).am (see for example the answer from @haccks). 所以ptd1.am相当于(&d1).am(例如参见@haccks的回答)。

I want to add that ptd1 is a pointer to struct and thus to get a member you should use -> . 我想补充一点, ptd1是一个指向struct指针 ,因此要获得一个你应该使用的成员-> The call to scanf should be: 对scanf的调用应该是:

scanf("%d", &(ptd1->am));

As u have written ptd1=&d1; 你写的是ptd1 =&d1; that means that *ptd1 will point to d1 . 这意味着* ptd1将指向d1。

So if you want to access d1.am you need to write (*ptd1).am . 所以如果你想访问d1.am,你需要写(* ptd1).am。

But here you are passing to scanf and it needs memory address so need to pass with & and so you need to put &(*ptd1).am. 但是在这里你传递给scanf它需要内存地址所以需要传递&所以你需要把&(* ptd1).am。

As others have mentioned (.) has higher priority so (.) will choose it operands first and expression will be equal to 正如其他人提到的那样(。)具有更高的优先级,因此(。)将首先选择操作数并且表达式将等于
&((*ptd1).am) &((* PTD1).AM)

Better to use &(ptd1->am) 最好使用&(ptd1-> am)

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