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Java swing-在jtable中取消选择选定的行

[英]java swing - deselect a selected row in jtable

I have an instance of JTable in my java swing application. 我的java swing应用程序中有一个JTable实例。 I want to deselect a selected row from this table. 我想取消选择该表中的选定行。 From This answer , JTable has provided clearSelection() method that deselect all selected rows in the table. 通过此答案JTable提供了clearSelection()方法,该方法取消选择表中所有选定的行。 But I want to deselect one row. 但我想取消一行 How can I do this? 我怎样才能做到这一点?


ListSelectionModel.removeSelectionInterval(int index0, int index1)?


You can do this like that: 您可以这样做:

        JTable table = new JTable(); // your table instance
        TableModel dataModel = new DefaultTableModel(); // table model
        DefaultListSelectionModel selectionModel = new DefaultListSelectionModel(); //table selection model
        int desiredRow = 0; // row which you want to deselect
        selectionModel.removeSelectionInterval(desiredRow, desiredRow); // Removing selection for desired row

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