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[英]reference-to-cont class member initialized with non-const value

I have a class that should, as its input data, either use a reference to external data (without copying), or create the data itself based on other input. 我有一类应该作为对它的输入数据的类,或者使用对外部数据的引用(无复制),或者根据其他输入创建数据本身。 I prefer using references (to avoid dereferencing, since the data are matrices) and ended up with the following structure (simplified): 我更喜欢使用引用(避免取消引用,因为数据是矩阵)并且最终具有以下结构(简化):

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
using VectI = vector<int>;

class A {
    VectI x0;
    VectI const & x = x0;
    A(VectI const & extX) : x(extX) {}     // referencing existing external data
    A(int i) { x0.push_back(i); x0.push_back(i*i); }   // create from other data
    void show_x()
        { cout << "x ="; for (auto&& i : x) cout << " " << i; cout << endl; }

int main() {
    VectI myX = {1, 2, 3};
    A a(myX); a.show_x(); // a references myX
    A b(2); b.show_x();   // b creates its own data based on i=2
    return 0;

The example works: 该示例工作:

x = 1 2 3
x = 2 4

but are there any potential problems with this approach? 但是这种方法有潜在的问题吗? In particular, is the fact that I am changing x0 that is referenced by the const vector x 'legal' C++, or is it something that other compilers might complain about? 特别是我正在更改const向量x '合法'C ++引用的x0的事实,还是其他编译器可能会抱怨的事情?

Also, can I be sure that the first constructor avoids copying data? 另外,我可以确定第一个构造函数避免复制数据吗?

This is fine in the C++11 standard but your code is very brittle. 这在C ++ 11标准中很好,但是您的代码非常脆弱。

In particular the compiler generated copy and move constructors and the assignment operator will not work correctly, so you'll have to build your own. 特别是编译器生成的copy和move构造函数以及赋值运算符将无法正常工作,因此您必须构建自己的。

You might also encounter dangling references: remember that the object lifetime extension due to a const reference is not transitive. 您可能还会遇到悬空的引用:请记住,由于const引用导致的对象生存期延长不是传递性的。 The behaviour on using A(VectI const & extX) with an anonymous temporary is undefined. 未将A(VectI const & extX)与匿名临时使用结合使用的行为。

Using a pointer to VectI - perhaps even a std::unique_ptr to a VectI along with a concept of ownership might be a safer way to go. 使用指针VectI -甚至一个std::unique_ptrVectI与所有权的概念以及可能会去一个更安全的方式。

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