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适用于iOS的Graph SDK SDK

[英]Facebook SDK for iOS Open Graph Stories

I was able to post Facebook status using Open Graph Stories https://developers.facebook.com/docs/sharing/opengraph/ios 我能够使用Open Graph Stories https://developers.facebook.com/docs/sharing/opengraph/ios的 Facebook状态

But then, i think another guys change setting for app on developers.facebook.com and it cannot work anymore. 但是,然后,我认为另一个人更改了developers.facebook.com应用程序的设置,它不再起作用。

I received an Error : "App myAppId is not allowed to create actions of type myNameSpace:myAction for user userID" 我收到错误消息: "App myAppId is not allowed to create actions of type myNameSpace:myAction for user userID"

Can somebody help me?? 有人可以帮我吗?

Error message shows that your application is not allowed to create or perform particular action. 错误消息显示不允许您的应用程序创建或执行特定操作。

Please check bundle identifier of your Application and match it with Settings in developer.facebook dashboard for your registered App. 请检查您的应用程序的捆绑包标识符,并将其与注册的应用程序的developer.facebook仪表板中的“设置”相匹配。

If bundle identifier match and you are using your developer account for testing then it will allow you to publish action. 如果捆绑包标识符匹配并且您正在使用开发人员帐户进行测试,则它将允许您发布操作。


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