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hibernate-spatial-4.0 创建 bytea 列类型而不是几何

[英]hibernate-spatial-4.0 creates bytea column type instead of geometry

I am working with application which uses spring 3.1 and hibernate 4.2.我正在处理使用 spring 3.1 和 hibernate 4.2 的应用程序。 For spatial feature we are planning to use hibernate spatial with postgis.对于空间特征,我们计划将 hibernate spatial 与 postgis 结合使用。 But hibernate spatial creates column with bytea type instead of geometry.但是 hibernate spatial 使用 bytea 类型而不是几何创建列。 I am not able to find out where is root cause of this.我无法找出根本原因在哪里。 I spend already couple of days in resolving but not successful.我已经花了几天时间解决问题但没有成功。

hibernate-spatial-4.0.jar is used.使用 hibernate-spatial-4.0.jar。

I am using following hibernate.properties file我正在使用以下 hibernate.properties 文件


I am using following annotation in Entity我在实体中使用以下注释

    @Column(columnDefinition="Geometry", nullable = true)
        @Type(type = "org.hibernate.spatial.GeometryType")
        private Point geom;

Application successfully creates following table but instead of geometry type it creates bytea for column geom应用程序成功创建了下表,但它没有为几何类型创建列 geom 的 bytea

                         Table "public.tile"
           Column           |            Type             | Modifiers
 id                         | integer                     | not null
 alt                        | double precision            | not null
 geom                       | bytea                       |
 lat                        | double precision            | not null
 lng                        | double precision            | not null
 multipath_table            | text                        | not null
 multipath_table_min_value  | double precision            |
 multipath_table_resolution | integer                     |
 multipath_table_tx_id      | text                        |
 tile_created               | timestamp without time zone | not null
 tile_data_age              | integer                     |
 tile_data_present          | text                        | not null
 tile_num_tx                | integer                     |
    "tile_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)

However manually I am able to create Geometry type column in postgis2.2-postgres9.5 database但是手动我能够在 postgis2.2-postgres9.5 数据库中创建几何类型列

I went through almost every thread but unsuccessful.我几乎遍历了每个线程,但没有成功。 Need help.需要帮忙。

I could able to fix this issue by modifying annotations used in Entity class.我可以通过修改 Entity 类中使用的注释来解决这个问题。 This works for me.这对我有用。 @Column(columnDefinition="geometry(Point,4326)") private org.hibernate.spatial.GeometryType geom; @Column(columnDefinition="geometry(Point,4326)") private org.hibernate.spatial.GeometryType geom;

PostgisDialect registers JTS or Geolatte Point types (refer to the Hibernate spatial documentation and the sources . In case of JTS make sure you use an up to date version (org.locationtech.jts) rather than the old one (com.vividsolutions.jts) by updating your dependencies and checking your imports (I had both, the old and the new dependency on my classpath and accidently imported the wrong one). PostgisDialect 注册 JTS 或 Geolatte Point 类型(请参阅 Hibernate 空间文档来源。如果是 JTS,请确保使用最新版本 (org.locationtech.jts) 而不是旧版本 (com.vividsolutions.jts)通过更新您的依赖项并检查您的导入(我在我的类路径上同时拥有旧的和新的依赖项并且不小心导入了错误的依赖项)。

A working example (in Kotlin, but getting the Java imports / annotations should be straightforward):一个工作示例(在 Kotlin 中,但获取 Java 导入/注释应该很简单):

My entity (note: there is no annotation at all on the Point type:):我的实体(注意:Point 类型上根本没有注释:):

import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Point
import java.time.ZonedDateTime
import javax.persistence.*

data class TrackPoint(
        @Id @GeneratedValue var id: Long? = null,
        var location : Point,
        var time : ZonedDateTime,
        var track: Track? = null

The maping function to create the TrackPoint which is then persisted:用于创建 TrackPoint 然后被持久化的映射函数:

fun mapWayPoint2TrackPoint(it: WayPoint) : TrackPoint {
    val coordinate = Coordinate(it.longitude.toDouble(), it.latitude.toDouble(), it.elevation.get().toDouble())
    val point = geometryFactory.createPoint(coordinate)
    return TrackPoint(location = point, time = it.time.get())

Additionally you might use one of the more recent postgis dialects (like PostgisPG95Dialect) since PostgisDialect is deprecated.此外,您可能会使用一种更新的 postgis 方言(如 PostgisPG95Dialect),因为 PostgisDialect 已被弃用。


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