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[英]Adding tooltip to specific datatable column

I am trying to find a way in adding the tooltip only when my mouse hovers over the card_name column. 我试图找到一种仅在鼠标悬停在card_name列上时添加工具提示的方法。 I managed to add my tooltips into datatables and this tool tip basically is an image tool tip, but it is added to the entire row instead. 我设法将工具提示添加到数据表中,并且该工具提示基本上是图像工具提示,但实际上它被添加到整个行中。

$(document).ready(function() {
  var otable = $('#example').dataTable( {
    "bProcessing": true,
    "bServerSide": false,
    "sAjaxSource": "getTrackerData.php",
    "aoColumns": [
      { "mDataProp": "card_name", },
      { "mDataProp": "card_id"},
      { "mDataProp": "card_series_id" },
      { "mDataProp": "card_type_track" },
      { "mDataProp": "track_url" },
      { "mDataProp": "track_status" },
      { "mDataProp": "card_img_url" }
    "fnDrawCallback": function(settings){
      $('#example tbody tr').each(function () {
        //var $td = $(this);
        //$td.attr('title', $td.text());
        var nTds = $('td', this);
        var sURL = $(nTds[6]).text();
        var t = "<img src='"+sURL+"' width='90' height='126'>"
        nTds.attr('title', t);

      /* Apply the tooltips */
      $('#example tr').tooltip({
        "delay": 0,
        "track": true,
        "fade": 250,
        content: function (){
          return $(this).prop('title');
      });  // end for tooltip

    }// end for fnDrawCallback  

  } ); // end of datatable

} );

Because you used it to match a ROW: 因为您使用它来匹配ROW:

$('#example tr').tooltip({

Just change to match COLs and use a simplified code: 只需更改以匹配COL并使用简化的代码即可:

$('#example td[title]').tooltip();

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