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[英]Perform Union using joins not union ALL

We are having a requirement where in we are trying to perform union operation for the tables of 2 different databases using informatica cloud, we dont have union transformation in it. 我们有一个要求,即我们试图使用Informatica云对2个不同数据库的表执行联合操作,但其中没有联合转换。 So trying to explore if this can be performed using a left/full outer join ? 因此,尝试探索是否可以使用左/全外部联接来执行此操作?

select * from t join p on t.id = p.id
select * from t join p on t.id = p.id2

Note: Not Union ALL only Union 注意:不是联合所有联合

The difference between union and union all is simply the removal of distinct values. unionunion all之间的区别只是简单地去除了不同的值。 The answer to your question is that you can emulate union using a bunch of coalesce() statements, select distinct , and full join . 您的问题的答案是,您可以使用一堆coalesce()语句模拟unionselect distinctfull join

However, why not just do: 但是,为什么不这样做:

select *
from t join
     on t.id in (p.id, p.id2);

Depending on the data, you might need select distinct : 根据数据,您可能需要select distinct

select distinct *
from t join
     on t.id in (p.id, p.id2);

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