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Firefox / Firebug JavaScript console.log在某些情况下无法在for循环中使用

[英]Firefox/Firebug JavaScript console.log not working in for loop in certain scenarios

There are three lines with console.log in my code here: 在我的代码中, console.log有三行内容:

JavaScript 的JavaScript

window.onload = function()
 var tr = document.getElementsByTagName('table').0].getElementsByTagName('tr');

 for (var i = 0; i < tr.length; i++)
  console.log('i,1 = '+i);

   console.log('i,2 = '+i);

   if (tr[i].getElementsByTagName('input').length>1)
    tr[i].getElementsByTagName('input')[1].addEventListener('click', function(event) {sessionStorage.hash_self_tr = i;}, false);}})(i);


<tr><td>1<input type="checkbox" /></td></tr>
<tr><td>2<input type="checkbox" /></td></tr>
<tr><td>3<input type="checkbox" /></td></tr>

In Firefox why do the second and third console.log logger not trigger unless I uncomment the first console.log ? Firefox中,除非取消对第一个console.log注释,为什么第二个和第三个console.log记录器不会触发? This works fine in Chrome. 在Chrome中可以正常使用。

seem like firebug console is no longer support or update for latest firefox browser. 似乎Firebug控制台不再支持或更新最新的firefox浏览器。

firefox have it own developer tool coming out no long ago, have all the features firebug have. firefox不久前推出了自己的开发人员工具,具有firebug的所有功能。

http://etenbo.com/why-firebug-for-firefox-javascript-console-log-is-not-working/ http://etenbo.com/why-firebug-for-firefox-javascript-console-log-is-not-working/

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