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"fabric.js 以编程方式停止对象拖动"

[英]fabric.js Stop object dragging programmatically

In my mouse:down event listener under certain conditions I want to deactivate the object that user just activated with mouse:down.在我的鼠标:按下事件侦听器中,在某些条件下,我想停用用户刚刚使用鼠标激活的对象:按下。 In other words when user tries to drag an object in some cases I want to execute some code and prevent the dragging.换句话说,当用户在某些情况下尝试拖动对象时,我想执行一些代码并阻止拖动。

Simply calling只需调用


I made a JSFiddle in which an object that is dragged is stopped after 500 milliseconds. 我做了一个JSFiddle ,其中拖动的对象在500毫秒后停止。 You can set rect.lockMovementX = true; 您可以设置rect.lockMovementX = true; and rect.lockMovementY = true; rect.lockMovementY = true; to stop dragging and set them false to allow dragging again. 停止拖动并将其设置为false以允许再次拖动。

Regarding your need to only apply it to certain objects: just add a stopDragging variable, which has true as value for the objects that you want to stop dragging, false for the ones you don't want to stop dragging. 关于只需要将其应用于某些对象的需求:只需添加一个stopDragging变量,该变量对于要停止拖动的对象的值为true,对于不想停止拖动的对象的值为false。 Then check in the onMoving function whether or not e.target.stopDragging is true or false. 然后,检查onMoving函数中e.target.stopDragging是true还是false。

(function() {
  var canvas = new fabric.Canvas("canvas");
  fabric.Object.prototype.transparentCorners = false;

  var rect = new fabric.Rect({
    width: 100,
    height: 100,
    top: 100,
    left: 100,
    fill: 'rgba(255,0,0,0.5)'


  var timeoutTriggered = false;

  function stopDragging(element) {
    element.lockMovementX = true;
    element.lockMovementY = true;

  function onMoving(e) {
    if (!timeoutTriggered) {
      setTimeout(function() {
      }, 500);
      timeoutTriggered = true;
    'object:moving': onMoving

I was looking for the same solution.我一直在寻找相同的解决方案。 I had a discussion with a fabricjs dev that this will lead to bad ux-experience on smartphones.我与一个 fabricjs 开发人员讨论过,这将导致智能手机上的用户体验不佳。

Instead I do animate now that the block moves itself back to a valid position.相反,我现在做动画,块移动自己回到一个有效的位置。


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