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在Java中将List <Map.Entry <Key,Value >>转换为List <Key>

[英]Converting List<Map.Entry<Key, Value>> to List<Key> in Java

Is there a convenient way for such conversion other than a for loop such as 除了for循环之外,还有一种方便的方法进行这种转换

List<Map.Entry<String, Integer>> entryList = new List<>(//initialization);
List<String>> keyList = new List<>(entryList.size());
for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> e : entryList) {

I would like the order to be preserved. 我希望保留这个命令。

Use java 8 streams to convert this: 使用java 8流来转换它:

List<Map.Entry<String, ?>> entryList = new List<>(//initialization);
List<String> stringList = entryList.stream().map(Entry::getKey).collect(Collectors.toList());

This makes a stream of the entries, then uses the map method to convert them to strings, then collects it to a list using Collectors.toList() . 这将创建条目 ,然后使用map方法将它们转换为字符串,然后使用Collectors.toList()将其收集到列表中。

Alternatively, this method can be changed in a helper function if you need it more times like this: 或者,如果您需要更多次,可以在辅助函数中更改此方法:

public static <K> List<K> getKeys(List<Map.Entry<K,?>> entryList) {
    return entryList.stream().map(Entry::getKey).collect(Collectors.toList());

public static <V> List<V> getValues(List<Map.Entry<?,V>> entryList) {
    return entryList.stream().map(Entry::getValue).collect(Collectors.toList());

While the above code works, you can also get a List<K> from a map by doing new ArrayList<>(map.keySet()) , with this having the advantage than you don't need to convert the entryset to a list, before converted to a stream, and then back a list again. 虽然上面的代码可以工作,你也可以通过执行new ArrayList<>(map.keySet())从地图中获取List<K> ,这样做的好处就是你不需要将entryset转换为list ,在转换为流之前,然后再次返回列表。

If you do not really need to make a copy of the list you can implement a wrapper arround the list like this, with the adicional bonus that changes made to the entryList are automatically reflected in the stringList. 如果你真的不需要复制列表,你可以像这样在列表周围实现一个包装器,并且对entryList的更改会自动反映在stringList中。 Bear in mind that this simple wrapper is read only. 请记住,这个简单的包装器是只读的。

List<Map.Entry<String, ?>> entryList = new List<>(//initialization);
List<String> stringList = new AbstractList<String>() {
    List<Map.Entry<String, Integer>> internal = entryList;

    public String get(int index) {
        return internal.get(index).getKey();

    public int size() {
        return internal.size();

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