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[英]devise_token_auth update request

Hello I'm using the devise_auth_token gem, and testing my server with postman with a PUT request to / following this indications : 您好,我正在使用devise_auth_token gem,并使用邮递员通过以下指示向/发出PUT请求来测试我的服务器:

Account updates. 帐户更新。 This route will update an existing user's account settings. 此路由将更新现有用户的帐户设置。 The default accepted params are password and password_confirmation , but this can be customized using the devise_parameter_sanitizer system. 默认接受的参数是password和password_confirmation ,但是可以使用devise_parameter_sanitizer系统对其进行自定义。 If config.check_current_password_before_update is set to :attributes the current_password param is checked before any update, if it is set to :password the current_password param is checked only if the request updates user password. 如果config.check_current_password_before_update设置为:attributes ,则在任何更新之前检查current_password参数,如果设置为:password ,则仅在请求更新用户密码时才检查current_password参数。

I made this request -> 我提出了这个要求->

Header : 标头:

"access-token": "wwwww",
"token-type":   "Bearer",
"client":       "xxxxx",
"expiry":       "yyyyy",
"uid":          "zzzzz"

Body : 身体 :

  "name": "MI NOMBRE",
  "nickname": "MI APODO",
  "role": "MI ROL"

and i get this error : Please submit proper account update data in request body. 并且我收到此错误: Please submit proper account update data in request body.

This are my permited params in application_controller.rb : 这是我在application_controller.rb允许的参数:

protect_from_forgery with: :null_session
before_filter :configure_permitted_parameters, if: :devise_controller?

  def configure_permitted_parameters
    devise_parameter_sanitizer.for(:sign_up) << :password_confirmation
    devise_parameter_sanitizer.for(:account_update) do |user_params|
      user_params.permit(:role, :email, :nickname, :name, :password, :password_confirmation)

My server message : 我的伺服器讯息:

Processing by DeviseTokenAuth::RegistrationsController#update as */*
Can't verify CSRF token authenticity
  User Load (0.2ms)  SELECT  "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."uid" = ? LIMIT 1  [["uid", "test2@gmail.com"]]
Filter chain halted as :validate_account_update_params rendered or redirected
Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 85ms (Views: 0.2ms | ActiveRecord: 0.5ms)

In case your testing this on local machine you'll probably need to allow cross site requests first. 如果您在本地计算机上对此进行测试,则可能需要先允许跨站点请求。 Update your Gemfile and run bundle install : 更新您的Gemfile并运行bundle install

group :development do
  gem 'rack-cors'

in config/environments/development.rb add following: config/environments/development.rb添加以下内容:

  config.middleware.insert_before 0, Rack::Cors do
    # allow all origins in development
    allow do
      origins '*'
      resource '*',
          :headers => :any,
          :methods => [:get, :post, :delete, :put, :options],
          :expose  => ['access-token', 'expiry', 'token-type', 'uid', 'client'],
          :max_age => 0

Then on client side there are multiple libraries you can use. 然后在客户端上可以使用多个库。 All of them would store the auth-token on client (cookies, session store, ...) and then inject token into each request. 它们都将auth-token存储在客户端(cookie,会话存储等),然后将令牌注入每个请求中。 Depending on your stack you can choose from: 根据您的堆栈,您可以选择:

Basically the validation looks like this (image from ng-token-auth ): 基本上,验证如下所示( ng-token-auth图像):


When client HTML was rendered on server (Rails) it was common practice to include CSRF tag somewhere in page layout: 当客户端HTML在服务器(Rails)上呈现时,通常的做法是在页面布局中的某处包括CSRF标签:

<%= csrf_meta_tag %>

If you really want do do this with postman and let's say you have just JSON API, you can do set token in application_controller.rb : 如果您真的想用邮递员这样做,并且假设您只有JSON API,则可以在application_controller.rb设置令牌:

before_action :set_token
def set_token
  response.headers['X-XSRF-TOKEN'] = form_authenticity_token

now when you send GET / you'll be able to retrieve 现在,当您发送GET /您将能够检索

X-XSRF-TOKEN: Tjbsg1RYL6bBoCK1u1As8/SO09V+vZ+IOyfNrRXdyfNb9DeWjwnArv6IZkyr2+ayMchwywXPyausYOQhWNGK1g==

from response headers. 来自响应头。 And afterwards you have to use it for submitting PUT request. 然后,您必须使用它来提交PUT请求。 That's just to illustrate how this works, using some library for managing tokens is a better idea. 只是为了说明它是如何工作的,使用一些库来管理令牌是一个更好的主意。

In case someone is looking for a solution, after setting up cross site requests using gem 'rack-cors'. 如果有人正在寻找解决方案,请使用gem'rack-cors'设置跨站点请求。

In application_controller.rb add following: application_controller.rb添加以下内容:

before_action :configure_permitted_parameters, if: :devise_controller?

  def configure_permitted_parameters
    devise_parameter_sanitizer.permit(:sign_up, keys: [:name, :password_confirmation])
    devise_parameter_sanitizer.permit(:account_update, keys: [:name, :nickname, :image])

Tested and works in Rails 5.2.1 经过测试并在Rails 5.2.1中工作

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