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[英]iOS Simulator: “Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints” with empty app

  1. Create new single-view application (no other editing). 创建新的单视图应用程序(无需其他编辑)。
  2. Build and launch to an iPhone in the Simulator. 在模拟器中构建并启动到iPhone。
  3. Toggle in-call status bar. 切换通话中状态栏。
  4. "Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints" “无法同时满足约束条件”

This is with Xcode 7.2, Simulator 9.2, iOS 9.2, OS X 10.11.2. 这是Xcode 7.2,Simulator 9.2,iOS 9.2,OS X 10.11.2。

Was getting the constrains error in our project for no reason, and pared things back to the beginning. 无缘无故地在我们的项目中遇到约束错误,并将事情归结为一开始。 Now what when there's no custom content, just the default blank view controller?? 现在,当没有自定义内容时,只有默认的空白视图控制器会怎样?

Testing on real devices only and hoping for the best doesn't seem like a good solution... 仅在真实设备上进行测试并希望达到最佳效果似乎不是一个好的解决方案...

Indeed it shows an error log but if you check the conflicting views they seem to be private ( UIInputSetContainerView , UITextEffectsWindow ) which might be an indication of an Apple bug. 确实,它显示了一个错误日志,但是如果您检查冲突的视图,它们似乎是私有的( UIInputSetContainerViewUITextEffectsWindow ),这可能表明是Apple错误。

2016-01-14 14:45:22.765 Teste[17945:2314568] Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints.
    Probably at least one of the constraints in the following list is one you don't want. 
    Try this: 
        (1) look at each constraint and try to figure out which you don't expect; 
        (2) find the code that added the unwanted constraint or constraints and fix it. 
    "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x7fee78e27a00 V:|-(20)-[UIInputSetContainerView:0x7fee78e25000]   (Names: '|':UITextEffectsWindow:0x7fee78e20330 )>",
    "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x7fee78c90e30 'UIInputWindowController-top' V:|-(0)-[UIInputSetContainerView:0x7fee78e25000]   (Names: '|':UITextEffectsWindow:0x7fee78e20330 )>"

Will attempt to recover by breaking constraint 
<NSLayoutConstraint:0x7fee78e27a00 V:|-(20)-[UIInputSetContainerView:0x7fee78e25000]   (Names: '|':UITextEffectsWindow:0x7fee78e20330 )>

I found the same issue being reported on Apple Developer Forums . 我在Apple Developer Forums上发现了同样的问题。

I think if you don't actually see anything breaking you can safely disregard it. 我认为,如果您实际上看不到任何损坏的东西,可以放心地忽略它。 I hope that helps. 希望对您有所帮助。

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