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[英]WPF define a staticresource from x:static for doubles

I want to define some resources in my App.Xaml for fontsize. 我想在App.Xaml中为fontsize定义一些资源。

This type of thing will work: 这种事情会起作用:

   <sys:Double x:Key="FontLarge">24</sys:Double>

But I want to get the value from a :xStatic so something like this: 但是我想从:xStatic获取值,所以像这样:

<sys:Double x:Key="FontLarge">{x:Static local:Settings.FontLarge</sys:Double>

or 要么

<sys:Double x:Key="FontLarge" Value="{x:Static local:Settings.FontLarge"></sys:Double>

Neither of these work though. 这些都不起作用。 Is this possible and what would be the syntax? 这可能吗,语法是什么?

I don't think that there is a way to bind Double value using x:Static (I may be wrong though). 我不认为有一种方法可以使用x:Static绑定Double值(不过我可能错了)。

But there is always a way using code behind which you can use. 但是总有一种使用代码的方式可以使用。 If this is meant to be in App.Xaml, you can write 如果这打算放在App.Xaml中,则可以编写

App.Current.Resources.Add("FontLarge", Settings.FontLarge);

If some other class, you can just drop the App.Current and that would work. 如果有其他类,则只需删除App.Current

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