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Ember,Visual Studio和WebApi

[英]Ember, Visual Studio, and WebApi

I primarily use Visual Studio, C#, and WebApi for my projects. 我主要将Visual Studio,C#和WebApi用于我的项目。 We're looking to utilizing Ember, Ember relies heavily on Node Package Manager. 我们希望利用Ember,Ember严重依赖于Node Package Manager。 Which Visual Studio does support, but is there a way to integrate Ember and their Command Line better into Visual Studio? 哪个Visual Studio支持,但是有没有办法将Ember及其命令行更好地集成到Visual Studio中?

Currently, we would use Node and Ember for our frontend, then we would open Visual Studio and our backend code. 当前,我们将Node和Ember用作前端,然后打开Visual Studio和后端代码。 They're currently separated, was hoping to avoid having to switch a better integration. 他们目前处于分离状态,希望避免切换更好的集成。

I have also tried myself and at the current time there are no usable plugins that help integrate ember into VS. 我也尝试过自己,目前没有可用的插件可帮助将ember集成到VS中。 You may use VS editor to modify the source but you wont get a lot of the build tools and extra features of VS. 您可以使用VS编辑器来修改源代码,但不会获得很多VS的构建工具和其他功能。

I'm in the same scenario, WebApi backend + Ember client. 我在相同的场景中,WebApi后端+ Ember客户端。 Currently I add de ember app folder in the visual studio solution as "Existing Web Site", hide node_modules and temp windows folders and run all commands from external command line. 目前,我在Visual Studio解决方案中将dember app文件夹添加为“现有网站”,隐藏node_modules和temp Windows文件夹,并从外部命令行运行所有命令。

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