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[英]Using objects in java (entities)

I'm new to java and I've developed a program that allows the user to enter his in- and outcome, and also to see a summary of both (second code sample). 我是java的新手,我已经开发了一个程序,该程序允许用户输入其输入和结果,还可以看到两者的摘要(第二个代码示例)。

I use text files to store the data (first sample). 我使用文本文件存储数据(第一个示例)。 I'm using two text files per user, one for the income and one for the outcome. 我为每个用户使用两个文本文件,一个用于收入,一个用于结果。

Bonus //category
21 //amount
28/12/2015 //date
Savings Deposit

The following code sample sums up the in- and outcome of the user (Note: opnEsoda is a scanner): 以下代码示例总结了用户的信息和结果(注意:opnEsoda是扫描仪):

try {
while (opnEsoda.hasNextLine());

               do //I read only the lines with the amounts from textfile
                            String[] entry = new String[3];

                            int x =0;
                            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                                if (opnEksoda.hasNextLine())
                                    // Trim removes leading or trailing whitespace.
                                    entry[i] = opnEksoda.nextLine().trim();


                           x = Integer.parseInt(entry[1]); // converts string numbers to int
                           sumeksoda += x ; // addition ... Amounts of the txt file 

              while (opnEksoda.hasNextLine());
                // information dialog that show the money spent and got.
                    "You got: "+sumesoda+" €",
                    "Your stats",

            } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
                System.out.println("COULD NOT READ FILE!!!");

This will print: You got 67 € 它将打印:您有67€

My goal is to give out the money spent this week and this month. 我的目标是分发本周和本月花费的资金。 I also want to know the amount of money spent on each category (optional). 我也想知道在每个类别上花费的金额(可选)。 What is the best way to do that? 最好的方法是什么?

To calculate the income for the current month, you must analyze entry[2] (the date) inside the loop, and sum up only those values whose month is the same. 要计算当前月份的收入,您必须分析循环内的entry [2](日期),并且仅汇总那些月份相同的值。

At the beginning of your program, store the current date: 在程序开始时,存储当前日期:

GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
cal.setTime(new Date());                          // store the current date
int curYear  = cal.get(cal.YEAR );
int curMonth = cal.get(cal.MONTH);

Then, when reading the file, parse the date and compare the year and month: 然后,在读取文件时,解析日期并比较年份和月份:

cal.setTime(new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy").parse(entry[2]));   // parse the date
if( cal.get(cal.YEAR)==curYear && cal.get(cal.MONTH)==curMonth ){
    x = Integer.parseInt(entry[1]); // converts string numbers to int
    sumeksoda += x ; // addition ... Amounts of the txt file 

To calculate the income from each category , you must analyze entry[0] (the category). 要计算每个类别的收入 ,必须分析entry [0](类别)。 If the categories are known in advance, then simply create several distinct sum variables: 如果预先知道类别,则只需创建几个不同的总和变量:

int sumeksodaSalary=0;
int sumeksodaBonus=0;

And then, inside the loop: 然后,在循环内:

if("Salary".equals(entry[0])) sumeksodaSalary += x ;
if("Bonus" .equals(entry[0])) sumeksodaBonus  += x ;

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