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[英]Is there a way to check for this memory leak?

I have a very basic function bool read_binary( string filename, double*& buf, int &N) which reads data from a binary file. 我有一个非常基本的函数bool read_binary( string filename, double*& buf, int &N) ,它从二进制文件中读取数据。 I call it as: 我称其为:

int N;
double* A = NULL;
read_binfile(inputfile, A, N);
delete[] A;

where read_binfile is read_binfile在哪里

bool read_binfile( string fname, double*& buf, int &N ) { 
    ifstream finp(fname.c_str(), ifstream::binary);

    finp.seekg(0, finp.end);
    N = finp.tellg()/8;
    buf = new double[N];
    finp.seekg(0, finp.beg);
    printf("N = %i\n", N); 
    finp.read( reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf), sizeof(buf[0])*N);

    if( finp ) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

I find that if I (naively) loop only read_binfile then this causes a memory leak, whereas if I include double* A = NULL and delete[] A in the loop, then this leak does not occur. 我发现如果我(天真的) 循环read_binfile那么这会导致内存泄漏,而如果我在循环中包含double* A = NULLdelete[] A ,则不会发生此泄漏。 Is there any way (inside of read_binfile ) to check on this type of error or does this necessitate a correct use of read_binfile where a delete[] must follow without being called again? 是否有任何方法(在read_binfile )检查这种类型的错误,或者这是否需要正确使用read_binfile ,在该情况下必须遵循delete[]而不再次调用它?

You can use a std::vector<double> for buf . 您可以将std::vector<double>用于buf That will automate memory management. 这将自动执行内存管理。 Then, you won't need to pass N as an argument either. 然后,您也不需要将N作为参数传递。 You can get the size of the buffer from the vector . 您可以从vector获取缓冲区的大小。

bool read_binfile(std::string const& fname,
                  std::vector<double>& buf)
   std::ifstream finp(fname.c_str(), std::ifstream::binary);

   finp.seekg(0, finp.end);
   size_t N = finp.tellg()/sizeof(buf[0]);

   finp.seekg(0, finp.beg);
   finp.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf.data()), sizeof(buf[0])*N);

   if( finp ) {
      return true;
   } else {
      return false;

And use it as: 并将其用作:

std::vector<double> A;
read_binfile(inputfile, A);
size_t N = A.size(); // Only if needed.

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