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[英]MySQLi prepared statement executes twice on insert

I usually don't post detailed versions of my code; 我通常不发布代码的详细版本; however, in this case it may be necessary to figure out the problem. 但是,在这种情况下,可能有必要找出问题所在。 I have a class method that I cannot stop from executing twice. 我有一个无法停止执行两次的类方法。 Is there any particular information I am missing on MySQLi prepared statements? 我在MySQLi预备语句上缺少任何特定信息吗? I have read similar questions that asks the same to no avail. 我读过类似的问题,但都问同样无济于事。

I previously asked a question about using eval for dynamic queries in prepared statements as far as it's convention and best practices. 之前,我曾问过一个问题,即按照惯例和最佳做法,如何在准备好的语句中使用eval进行动态查询。 I was told to use call_user_func_array() and it worked perfectly; 有人告诉我使用call_user_func_array(),它工作得很好。 however, I failed to notice that the statement executed twice each time, even with the old eval() code. 但是,我没有注意到该语句每次执行两次,即使使用旧的eval()代码也是如此。 So I put together a snippet of my ACTUAL code which should pretty much explain itself through my comments 因此,我整理了一段ACTUAL代码,该代码应该可以通过我的注释进行自我解释

    function insert($table, $query)
         * This code assumes you have a MySQLi connection stored in variable $db
         * USAGE: insert(table, array('field' => 'value');

        // Sets the beginning of the strings for the prepared statements

        $fields = $values = "(";
        $types = "";
        $params = array();

        foreach($query as $key => $val)
            // array keys = fields, and array values = values;
            $fields.= $key;

            // concatenate the question marks for statement
            $values.= "?";

            // concatenate the type chars
            $types.= is_string($val) ? "s" : (is_int($val) ? "i" : (is_double($val) ? "d" : "b"));

            // pass variables to array params by reference for call_user_func_array();
            $params[] = &$query[$key];

            if($val == end($query))
                $fields .= ")";
                $values .= ")";
                array_unshift($params, $types);
                $fields .= ", ";
                $values .= ", ";
        $str = "INSERT INTO {$table} {$fields} VALUES {$values}";
        if($stmt = $db->prepare($str))
            call_user_func_array(array($stmt, 'bind_param'), $params);

             * This is where I am pulling my hair out of my head and being 3
             * nothces away from banging my own head into the screen and
             * being without a computer at all.
             * I have tried everything I can think of. I gotta be missing
             * something

            $stmt->execute();//// <---Help is needed here

            //-- Close connection;
            //-- Send a nice readable error msg
            die("<center><h3>FAULTY QUERY STRING</h3><h4>Please check query string</h4><p>{$str}</p>");

Changed code format from OOP to regular function for testing without having to create a class. 将代码格式从OOP更改为常规功能以进行测试,而无需创建类。

old question, but people might still stumble upon it, I did. 这是个老问题,但人们还是会偶然发现,我做到了。

I think the mysqli_query function is mainly for retrieving data, I had the same problem, and fixed it by using mysqli_real_query on insert and update queries. 我认为mysqli_query函数主要用于检索数据,我遇到了同样的问题,并通过在插入和更新查询中使用mysqli_real_query进行了修复。

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