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如何将 Mapper.Map 与 ConstructUsing 和 AutoMapper 结合使用?

[英]How to use Mapper.Map with ConstructUsing and AutoMapper?

I have a simple question: How to use Mapper.Map inside ConstructUsing ?我有一个简单的问题:如何在ConstructUsing中使用Mapper.Map I'm using AutoMapper v4.1.1 and I have this piece of code that I want to cleanup by reusing the code.我正在使用 AutoMapper v4.1.1,我有这段代码,我想通过重用代码来清理。

Mapper.CreateMap<SKU, SKUViewModel>()
    .ConstructUsing(m => new SKUViewModel(
    (from texts in m.DescriptionTranslation.TranslationTexts
        select new TranslationTuple
            LanguageId = texts.LanguageId,
            LanguageDisplayName = texts.Language.DisplayName,
            TranslationText = texts.Text,
            NeutralText = texts.NeutralText,
            ThreeLetterIsoLanguageName = texts.Language.ThreeLetterISOLanguageName
        (from texts in m.DisplayNameTranslation.TranslationTexts
        select new TranslationTuple
             LanguageId = texts.LanguageId,
             LanguageDisplayName = texts.Language.DisplayName,
             TranslationText = texts.Text,
             NeutralText = texts.NeutralText,
             ThreeLetterIsoLanguageName = texts.Language.ThreeLetterISOLanguageName
        (from texts in m.PaypalDescriptionTranslation.TranslationTexts
        select new TranslationTuple
             LanguageId = texts.LanguageId,
             LanguageDisplayName = texts.Language.DisplayName,
             TranslationText = texts.Text,
             NeutralText = texts.NeutralText,
             ThreeLetterIsoLanguageName = texts.Language.ThreeLetterISOLanguageName

I know we can use Mapper.Map with the AfterMap method like this .AfterMap((s, d) => Mapper.Map(s.CompanyProfile, d));我知道我们可以像这样将Mapper.MapAfterMap方法一起使用.AfterMap((s, d) => Mapper.Map(s.CompanyProfile, d));

But I'm not able to do the same inside ConstructUsing .但是我无法在ConstructUsing中做同样的事情。

Any suggestion?有什么建议吗?


Since you have mappings defined for these entities, you could call Mapper.Map on it.由于您已经为这些实体定义了映射,因此您可以在其上调用 Mapper.Map。 For sample:样品:

Mapper.CreateMap<SKU, SKUViewModel>()
    .ConstructUsing(m => 
        var descriptions = Mapper.Map<List<TranslationTuple>>(m.DescriptionTranslation.TranslationTexts);
        var displays = Mapper.Map<List<TranslationTuple>>(m.DisplayNameTranslation.TranslationTexts);
        var paypals = Mapper.Map<List<TranslationTuple>>(m.PaypalDescriptionTranslation.TranslationTexts);
        return new SKUViewModel(descriptions, displays, paypals);

Then, when you need to create an object mapped by automapper, just use:然后,当您需要创建一个由 automapper 映射的对象时,只需使用:

var viewModel = Mapper.Map<List<SKUViewModel>>(sku);

Methods like ConstructUsing , AfterMap , BeforeMap are methods that is executed after you have everything defined. ConstructUsingAfterMapBeforeMap等方法是在定义完所有内容后执行的方法。 So, following this logic, it should execute Mapper.Map<> without problems.因此,按照这个逻辑,它应该可以毫无问题地执行Mapper.Map<>

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