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[英]How to cast a list of concrete classes which implement an interface

I have an interface IAnimal and two classes(Dog, Cat), which both implement the interface. 我有一个接口IAnimal和两个类(Dog,Cat),它们都实现了该接口。

public interface IAnimal
    int Age { get; set; }

public class Dog : IAnimal
    public int Age { get; set; }

public class Cat : IAnimal
    public int Age { get; set; }

Also, I have an AnimalsManager class as shown in the code below. 另外,我有一个AnimalsManager类,如下面的代码所示。

public class AnimalsManager
    private readonly List<Dog> _dogs = new List<Dog>();
    private readonly List<Cat> _cats = new List<Cat>();

    public void SetTargetAnimalsAge(bool isDog, int age)
        if (isDog)
            setAnimalsAge(_dogs, age);
            setAnimalsAge(_cats, age);

    private static void setAnimalsAge<T>(IEnumerable<T> animals, int age) where T : class, IAnimal
        foreach (var animal in animals)
            animal.Age = age;

In the method SetTargetAnimalsAge, setAnimalsAge is used twice depending on the value of isDog argument. 在方法SetTargetAnimalsAge中,根据isDog参数的值,两次使用setAnimalsAge。 I'd like to unite these 2 usages into 1, but the following codes do not compile. 我想将这两种用法合并为1,但以下代码无法编译。

// Do not compile.
// var animals = isDog ? _dogs : _cats;
// var animals = isDog ? _dogs as List<IAnimal> : _cats as List<IAnimal>;

setAnimalsAge(animals, age);

How is it possible to handle one of the lists of Dogs and Cats as a list of IAnimal? 如何将“猫狗”列表中的一个作为IAnimal列表处理?

Please dont make 2 separate lists, one for dog & one for cat. 请不要分别列出2张清单,一张代表狗,一张代表猫。 AnimalsManager should know only about IAnimal . AnimalsManager应该只了解IAnimal Stick to Interfaces & thus Dependency inversion 坚持接口,因此依赖倒置

public class AnimalsManager
        private readonly List<IAnimal> _animals = new List<IAnimal>();

        public void SetTargetAnimalsAge(int age)
            setAnimalsAge(_animals, age);

        private static void setAnimalsAge<T>(IEnumerable<T> animals, int age) where T : class, IAnimal
            foreach (var animal in animals)
                animal.Age = age;

You can't have it as IList<T> because IList<T> is not covariant but IEnumerable<T> is covariant. 您不能将其作为IList<T>因为IList<T>不是协变的,而IEnumerable<T>是协变的。 You can cast it to IEnumerable<T> and that should work. 您可以将其IEnumerable<T>IEnumerable<T> ,这应该可以工作。

For example, following code should work: 例如,以下代码应该工作:

public void SetTargetAnimalsAge(bool isDog, int age)
     var animals = isDog ? (IEnumerable<IAnimal>)_dogs : _cats;
     setAnimalsAge(animals, age);

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