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jQuery Animate没有处理background-color属性

[英]jQuery Animate not working on background-color property

I was playing around with the jQuery .animate() function, and ended up trying to change the background-color of one of the div s depending on the number of pixels scrolled by the user. 我正在使用jQuery .animate()函数,并最终尝试根据用户滚动的像素数更改其中一个divbackground-color To my surprise, it did not work. 令我惊讶的是,它没有用。 I tried using the .css() function instead, and it worked well. 我尝试使用.css()函数,它运行良好。 Please refer the jsFiddle link at the bottom. 请参考底部的jsFiddle链接。

Could somebody explain to me why this is happening? 有人可以向我解释为什么会这样吗?

The jsFiddle link : https://jsfiddle.net/ag_dhruv/cb2sypmu/ jsFiddle链接: https ://jsfiddle.net/ag_dhruv/cb2sypmu/

As per jQuery API docs : 根据jQuery API文档

The .animate() method allows us to create animation effects on any numeric CSS property . .animate()方法允许我们在任何数字CSS属性上创建动画效果。

Animation Properties and Values 动画属性和值

All animated properties should be animated to a single numeric value, except as noted below; 除非如下所述,否则应将所有动画属性设置为单个数值。 most properties that are non-numeric cannot be animated using basic jQuery functionality (For example, width , height , or left can be animated but background-color cannot be , unless the jQuery.Color plugin is used) 大多数非数字属性无法使用基本的jQuery功能进行动画处理(例如, widthheightleft可以设置动画, background-color不能 ,除非使用jQuery.Color插件)

emphasis is mine 重点是我的

Background Color is not a numeric property and so it cannot be animated using .animate() . 背景颜色不是数字属性,因此无法使用.animate()进行动画.animate()

If you want to animate the background-color property, you need to either include jQueryUI or add this plugin: 如果要为background-color属性animate ,则需要包含jQueryUI或添加此插件:

 $(function() { var state = true; $("#button").click(function() { if (state) { $("#effect").animate({ backgroundColor: "#aa0000", color: "#fff", width: 500 }, 1000); } else { $("#effect").animate({ backgroundColor: "#fff", color: "#000", width: 240 }, 1000); } state = !state; }); }); 
 .toggler { width: 500px; height: 200px; position: relative; } #button { padding: .5em 1em; text-decoration: none; } #effect { width: 240px; height: 135px; padding: 0.4em; position: relative; background: #fff; } #effect h3 { margin: 0; padding: 0.4em; text-align: center; } 
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="//code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.4/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css"> <script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script> <script src="//code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.4/jquery-ui.js"></script> <div class="toggler"> <div id="effect" class="ui-widget-content ui-corner-all"> <h3 class="ui-widget-header ui-corner-all">Animate</h3> <p> Etiam libero neque, luctus a, eleifend nec, semper at, lorem. Sed pede. Nulla lorem metus, adipiscing ut, luctus sed, hendrerit vitae, mi. </p> </div> </div> <button id="button" class="ui-state-default ui-corner-all">Toggle Effect</button> 

jQuery UI bundles the jQuery Color plugins which provides color animations as well as many utility functions for working with colors. jQuery UI捆绑了jQuery Color插件,它提供了颜色动画以及许多用于处理颜色的实用程序功能。

Just an addition to existing answers: if you don't want to use jQuery UI for this, you can use this jQuery plugin (2.7kB only): 只是对现有答案的补充:如果你不想为此使用jQuery UI,你可以使用这个jQuery插件(仅限2.7kB):

http://www.bitstorm.org/jquery/color-animation/ http://www.bitstorm.org/jquery/color-animation/

You can download jquery.animate-colors.js or jquery.animate-colors.min.js from the project's website, or include it from CDN: 您可以从项目的网站下载jquery.animate-colors.jsjquery.animate-colors.min.js ,或者从CDN中包含它:

<script src="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/jquery.color-animation/1/mainfile"></script>

After including you can use color animations the following way: 包含后,您可以通过以下方式使用颜色动画:

$('#demodiv').animate({color: '#E4D8B8'})
$('#demodiv').animate({backgroundColor: '#400101'})
$('#demodiv').animate({borderBottomColor: '#00346B'})
$('#demodiv').animate({borderColor: 'darkolivegreen'})
$('#demodiv').animate({color: 'rgba(42, 47, 76, 0.1)'})

You can animate the backgroundColor only with jQueryUI. 您只能使用jQueryUI为backgroundColor设置动画。 If you don't want to use jQueryUI you will need to just change a class and have the animation made in CSS using transitions. 如果您不想使用jQueryUI,则需要更改一个类,并使用转换在CSS中创建动画。

You can also animate the background color with jQuery, just not with the animate() method, as you have noticed, the css method will do. 您也可以使用jQuery为背景颜色设置动画,而不是使用animate()方法,正如您所注意到的那样,css方法将会这样做。

Since this is a very easy thing, do not include another library to the code, spare yourself the http requests and just do it with plain JS. 因为这是一件非常容易的事情,所以不要在代码中包含另一个库,为自己节省http请求,只需使用普通的JS即可。

This function will do just fine: 这个功能会很好:

function changeBG(el,clr){
var elem = document.getElementById(el);
elem.style.transition = "background 1.0s linear 0s";
elem.style.background = clr;

Link to working example 链接到工作示例

http://codepen.io/damianocel/pen/wMKowa http://codepen.io/damianocel/pen/wMKowa

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