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C ++无法识别DLL中的命令

[英]C++ can't identify command in DLL

I am trying to make this DLL functionable but can't get it to work even from a ready code. 我正在尝试使此DLL起作用,但即使从准备好的代码中也无法使它工作。

I create a simple DLL from visual studio in c++ (win32 project) and I have this 2 files that I use. 我从c ++(win32项目)的Visual Studio中创建了一个简单的DLL,并且我拥有这2个文件。

headerZincSDK.h headerZincSDK.h

// headerZincSDK.h
#pragma once

#include <string>
#include <vector>

#if defined( WIN32 )
#include <tchar.h>
#define mdmT( x )   _T( x )
#define mdmT( x )   L ## x

extern void OnEntry();

extern bool RegisterModule( const std::wstring& strName );

typedef struct
    int formId;

typedef std::wstring ( *ZINC_COMMAND_CALLBACK )( const ZincCallInfo_t& info, const std::vector< std::wstring >& );

extern bool RegisterCommand( const std::wstring& strModuleName,
                     const std::wstring& strCommandName,
                     ZINC_COMMAND_CALLBACK callback );

// Helper commands for returning values
std::wstring AsString( const std::wstring& str );
std::wstring AsInteger( int value );
std::wstring AsBoolean( bool value );

And the Main Project.cpp 和主项目.cpp

// Project1.cpp
#include "stdafx.h"

#include "headerZincSDK.h"

using namespace std;

                       DWORD  ul_reason_for_call,
                       LPVOID lpReserved
    return TRUE;

void OnEntry()
     wstring moduleName = mdmT( "TestExt" );

     RegisterModule( moduleName );

     RegisterCommand( moduleName, mdmT( "random" ), Command1 );

     RegisterCommand( moduleName, mdmT( "reverse" ), Command2 );

wstring Command1 (const ZincCallInfo_t& info, const vector< wstring >& vParams )
     //My Code

wstring Command2 (const ZincCallInfo_t& info, const vector< wstring >& vParams )
     //My Code

The problem is that it doesn't build the solution cause it says the Command1 and Command2 are undefined 问题是它没有构建解决方案,因为它说Command1和Command2未定义

I have none to nothing knowledge on c++ and these are my first steps but I can understand much and easy. 我对C ++一无所知,这是我的第一步,但我可以理解很多东西,而且很容易。

Can anyone tell me what shall I change in these to two files to make it work? 谁能告诉我将这些文件更改为两个文件以使其正常工作吗?

Functions Command1 and Command2 are not declared in header file with that typedef statement. 使用该typedef语句未在头文件中声明函数Command1Command2 That statement defines a type ZINC_COMMAND_CALLBACK , which is a pointer to a function whose signature matches that of functions Command1 and Command2 . 该语句定义了ZINC_COMMAND_CALLBACK类型,该类型是指向其签名与函数Command1Command2的签名匹配的函数的指针。 This means that you can take the address of one of those functions (or any others function with the same signature) and assign it to this pointer: 这意味着您可以获取其中一个函数(或具有相同签名的任何其他函数)的地址,并将其分配给此指针:

ZINC_COMMAND_CALLBACK comm1 = &Command1;

The problem with your code is that you are using these functions before you have declared them. 代码的问题在于,在声明它们之前,您正在使用这些函数。 Either put entire definitions for Command1 and Command2 before function OnEntry , or leave definitions where they are and add the following declarations before OnEntry : Command1Command2整个定义放在函数OnEntry之前,或者将定义保留在原处,并在OnEntry之前添加以下声明:

wstring Command1(const ZincCallInfo_t& info, const vector< wstring >& vParams);
wstring Command2(const ZincCallInfo_t& info, const vector< wstring >& vParams);

I have tested this code and it fixes errors related to Command1 and Command2 . 我已经测试了此代码,它修复了与Command1Command2相关的错误。 New errors that appear are two linker errors caused by the fact that functions RegisterModule and RegisterCommand are not defined, but I am guessing that you omitted these definitions because they were not relevant to the question. 出现的新错误是由于未定义函数RegisterModuleRegisterCommand而导致的两个链接器错误,但是我猜您已省略了这些定义,因为它们与问题无关。

It worked but only with std infront of them 它的工作,但只有在他们面前的性病

std::wstring Command1 (const ZincCallInfo_t& info, const vector< std::wstring >& vParams )
     //My Code

std::wstring Command2 (const ZincCallInfo_t& info, const vector< std::wstring >& vParams )
     //My Code

Otherwise it was full of errors dont know why. 否则它充满了错误,不知道为什么。 But i manage to enter this std:: infront and it works and yes before the onEntry() function 但是我设法输入了这个std :: infront并且它可以工作并且是在onEntry()函数之前

Thank you all for the quick responses 谢谢大家的快速回复

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