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如何从联系表7 Google Recaptcha更改验证码错误语言?

[英]How to change captcha error language from Contact form 7 google recaptcha?

How can we change captcha error message if not checked in Contact form 7? 如果未在联系表单7中选中,我们如何更改验证码错误消息?

Please verify that you are not a robot. 请确认您不是机器人。

I'm using C7's default Google captcha integration method. 我正在使用C7的默认Google验证码集成方法。 Is there any method to filter these messages without editing plug in files? 有什么方法可以过滤这些消息而无需编辑插件文件?

One site having English and French translations using Ceceppa Multilingua and other site only for French. 一个站点使用Ceceppa Multilingua进行英语和法语翻译,而另一个站点仅适用于法语。

After continuous research, I got a solution. 经过不断的研究,我找到了解决方案。

<?php $err_mg = (get_lang() === 'en') ? "Sorry, captcha not solved. Please try again." : "S\'il vous plaît vérifier l\' Captche."; ?>

        jQuery('.wpcf7').on('.wpcf7:spam', function(event){
          jQuery('.wpcf7-recaptcha').append('<span class="captcha-error"><?=$err_mg?></span>');
          }, 5000);

There is are new custom events using for contact form 7. 联系表7有新的自定义事件。

New jQuery custom event triggers 新的jQuery自定义事件触发器

 - wpcf7:invalid 
 - wpcf7:spam 
 - wpcf7:mailsent 
 - wpcf7:mailfailed 
 - wpcf7:submit

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