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SQL Server中除外的替代

[英]Alternate of Except in SQL Server

I want to get results from the following table. 我想从下表中获得结果。 Get all ID and treetypes except Apple having Id=102. 获取除Id = 102的Apple之外的所有ID和treetype。

Id         TreeType 
99         Apple
99         Mango   
102        Orange  
101        Blackberry   
102        Apple

Result will be. 结果将是。

Id         TreeType 
99         Apple
99         Mango   
102        Orange  
101        Blackberry   

One way we can get result from following query. 我们可以通过以下查询获得结果的一种方法。

select id, TreeType
from x


select id, TreeType
from x
where id = 102 and TreeType = 'Apple'

It it possible to get the result from one select statement? 可以从一个select语句中获得结果吗?

I just want to avoid because of on actual scenario it become very costly for me. 我只是想避免,因为在实际情况下它对我来说变得非常昂贵。

How about just 怎么样

SELECT id,TreeType
WHERE NOT(id = 102 AND TreeType = 'Apple')

This did trip me up at first though - I wanted to think WHERE (id <> 102 AND TreeType <> 'Apple') would work but it doesn't. 虽然这确实让我感到WHERE (id <> 102 AND TreeType <> 'Apple') - 我想要认为WHERE (id <> 102 AND TreeType <> 'Apple')可以工作,但事实并非如此。 This makes sense when you rethink it as a table of bools - in that case it'd be 当你重新考虑它作为一个bools表时,这是有道理的 - 在这种情况下它就是

id    opr.    TreeType
true  AND     false    -- 99 apple: false
true  AND     true     -- 99 mango: true
true  AND     false    -- 102 orange: false
true  AND     true     -- 101 blackberry: true
false AND     true     -- 102 apple: false

Using the above syntax, we get just the row we want to target to be true and use NOT . 使用上面的语法,我们只得到我们想要定位的行为true并使用NOT

id    opr.    TreeType
false AND     false     -- 99 apple: not(false) = true
false AND     false     -- 99 mango: not(false) = true
true  AND     false     -- 102 orange: not(false) = true
false AND     true      -- 101 blackberry: not(false) = true
true  AND     true      -- 102 apple: not(true) = false

Another solution is using NOT EXISTS like this- 另一个解决方案是使用NOT EXISTS这样的 -

SELECT id,TreeType
FROM x t
    SELECT 1 FROM x 
        id = t.id AND TreeType = t.TreeType 
        AND id = 102 
        AND TreeType = 'Apple'

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