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[英]Populate rails form with data based on the previous field select

I have a form with two collection select fields. 我有一个带有两个集合选择字段的表单。

I want to populate the data in the second field depending on what is selected in the first field. 我想根据在第一个字段中选择的内容来填充第二个字段中的数据。

  = form_for(@booking, html: { class: "form-horizontal", role: "form" }) do |f|
    - if @booking.errors.any?
      .alert.alert-danger.alert-dismissable role="alert"
        button.close type="button" data-dismiss="alert"
          span aria-hidden="true"
            | ×
            | Close
        h4= "#{pluralize(@booking.errors.count,"error")} prohibited this booking from being saved:"
          - @booking.errors.full_messages.each do |msg|
            li= msg

        = f.label :course
        = f.collection_select :course_id, Course.order(:title),:id,:title, {prompt: "Choose a course", include_blank: true}, {class: "form-control"}

            = link_to 'Next', '#', remote: true, class: "btn btn-primary"
       = f.label :date
       = f.collection_select :date, dates, :to_s, :to_s, include_blank: false

      = link_to 'Next', '#', remote: true, class: "btn btn-primary"

        = f.submit class: "btn btn-primary"

after the first field is selected a user clicks next which triggers an ajax call 选择第一个字段后,用户单击下一步将触发ajax调用

$('.next').click ->
    console.log 'next'
      url: '/bookings/course_availability'
      type: 'POST'
      dataType: 'json'
      contentType: 'application/json'
      data: JSON.stringify({course: $("#booking_course_id").val();})
      success: (data) ->
        console.log 'success'


the controller returns a @dates object, an array containing different dates but I don't know how to populate the form with this data... 控制器返回一个@dates对象,一个包含不同日期的数组,但是我不知道如何用此数据填充表单...

First: 第一:

Instead of using a NEXT button to make the ajax call, you can as well just listen for an on-change event on the first(Course) select. 除了使用NEXT按钮进行ajax调用外,您还可以只在第一个(课程)选择上监听on-change事件。

Now to answer your question: 现在回答您的问题:

When the ajax call returns the @dates response, (which you said is an array of different dates), you can now bind these dates array in @dates response to the value of the options of the second select by iterating on this array, and building <option>...</option> tags to be appended, according to this SO answer. 当ajax调用返回@dates响应(您说是不同日期的数组)时,现在可以通过在此数组上进行迭代,将@dates响应中的这些date数组绑定到第二个select的选项的值,然后根据此SO答案 ,构建要附加的<option>...</option>标签

Alternatively, you can use the JQuery selectable library, which comes with the JQuery-UI gem for rails, for this functionality as explained in this rails-guide by Andrey Koleshko. 另外,您可以使用JQuery selectable库,该库随Rails的JQuery-UI gem一起提供, 如Andrey Koleshko的rails指南中所说明的那样。 .

I want to populate the data in the second field depending on what is selected in the first field 我想根据第一个字段中选择的内容填充第二个字段中的数据

Often called dynamic select boxes for future reference. 通常称为动态选择框,以供将来参考。

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If you're receiving the @dates object back, you'll be able to use the following: 如果您收到@dates对象,则可以使用以下内容:

$(document).on "click", ".next", ->
      url: '/bookings/course_availability'
      type: 'POST'
      dataType: 'json'
      contentType: 'application/json'
      data: JSON.stringify({course: $("#booking_course_id").val();})
      success: (data) ->
        $dropdown = $("select#date")
        $.each JSON.parse(data), (index, value) ->
           $dropdown.append '<option>' + value + '</option>'

Very old-skool; 很老套 you're basically overwriting the second select options list. 您基本上是在覆盖第二个select选项列表。 This will update in the DOM immediately. 这将立即在DOM中更新。

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Some good refs: 一些不错的参考:

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