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Apache Nutch 2.3和MySQL

[英]Apache Nutch 2.3 and MySQL

Is there anyone who tried working with Apache Nutch 2.3 and MySQL? 是否有人尝试使用Apache Nutch 2.3和MySQL? There are some people who say that Nutch 2.3 can no longer work with MySQL, but looking at the components in ivy.xml, MySQL is still in the list of possible dependencies. 有人说Nutch 2.3不能再与MySQL一起使用,但是从ivy.xml中的组件来看,MySQL仍在可能的依赖项列表中。 So, I did that as I would in the older Apache 2.x releases. 因此,就像在较早的Apache 2.x发行版中所做的那样。 Here's my ivy.xml (part of the gora artifacts): 这是我的ivy.xml(gora工件的一部分):

<!-- Gora artifacts -->
<!-- N.B. To use Gora SNAPSHOT's merely replace the 'ref' value with the SNAPSHOT version 
and add changing="true" alongside the dependency declaration. An example has been
provided for the gora-core dependency as below -->
<dependency org="org.apache.gora" name="gora-core" rev="0.2.1" conf="*->default"/>

<!-- Uncomment this to use SQL as Gora backend. It should be noted that the 
gora-sql 0.1.1-incubating artifact is NOT compatable with gora-core 0.3. Users should 
downgrade to gora-core 0.2.1 in order to use SQL as a backend. -->

<dependency org="org.apache.gora" name="gora-sql" rev="0.1.1-incubating" conf="*->default" />
<!-- Uncomment this to use MySQL as database with SQL as Gora store. -->

<dependency org="mysql" name="mysql-connector-java" rev="5.1.18" conf="*->default"/> 

Using ant runtime on this produces an error that points to line 101 of build.xml, saying 在此使用ant运行时会产生一个错误,指向build.xml的第101行,说


Does anyone have a workaround? 有人有解决方法吗? Thanks. 谢谢。

In fact, Nutch doesn't care the database underneath, Nutch works with the crawling database via Gora. 实际上,Nutch不在乎下面的数据库,Nutch通过Gora使用爬网数据库。 Therefore, if Gora supports the database (MySQL, HBase, Cassandra), Nutch can crawl and put the content to the database. 因此,如果Gora支持数据库(MySQL,HBase,Cassandra),则Nutch可以抓取并将内容放入数据库。 Please check gora and mysql version to fix the error in your case. 请检查gora和mysql版本以解决您的情况下的错误。 You can follow this guide: http://www.solutions.asia/2013/06/installing-nutch-22-with-mysql-to.html . 您可以按照以下指南进行操作: http : //www.solutions.asia/2013/06/installing-nutch-22-with-mysql-to.html

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