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[英]How to get a separate context in different SoapUI testcase instances running in parallel?

I have a SoapUI test case (name "create entity" ) with groovy script test step which uses some variables received in context, eg counter value, processes it and returns some other value, eg returnId 我有一个带有groovy脚本测试步骤的SoapUI测试用例(名称为"create entity" ),该脚本使用在上下文中接收的一些变量,例如计数器值,对其进行处理并返回一些其他值,例如returnId

// these variables are effectively shared across different threads, I want to avoid it
def threadId = context.getProperty("threadId")    
def counter = context.getProperty("counter").toInteger() 
testRunner.testCase.setPropertyValue("returnId", returnId)

And this test case is called from another test case groovy script step, which creates several threads with numerous test case executions 这个测试用例是从另一个测试用例groovy脚本步骤调用的,该步骤创建了具有多个测试用例执行的多个线程

def counter = new AtomicInteger()

// multiple threads
1.upto(2) { 
  threads << new Thread({ 
    def tc = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.getTestCaseByName("create entity")
    def txInstanceContext = new com.eviware.soapui.support.types.StringToObjectMap() 
    // thread specific parameter
    def threadId = ...
    txInstanceContext.put("threadId", threadId)

    // multiple executions loop
    1.upto(2) {
      def number = counter.getAndIncrement().toString()     
      // execution specific variable
      txInstanceContext.put("counter", number)
      log.info "Started uploading " + number + " at " + new Date().getTime() 
      def runner = tc.run( txInstanceContext, false )      
      while(runner.status == Status.RUNNING) {
      log.info "Status: " + runner.status + ", time taken for upload was: " + runner.timeTaken + " ms"     
      assert runner.status != Status.FAILED : runner.reason  
      def returnId = tc.getPropertyValue("returnId")
      log.info "Finished uploading " + number + " at " + new Date().getTime() 
      log.info "Returned id: " + returnId 

threads.each { 
threads.each { 

How to get an isolated scope for each execution, to avoid overriding/setting test case variables by other thread executions? 如何为每个执行获取隔离的作用域,以避免其他线程执行覆盖/设置测试用例变量?

I think you need to create a TC runner and then WsdlTestRunContext . 我认为您需要先创建TC运行器,然后创建WsdlTestRunContext

I ran into similar situation where I needed to create a TC runner. 我遇到了类似的情况,需要创建TC运行程序。 Here . 在这里 I believe you can go one step further and create a context by using createContext(StringToObjectMap properties) method of this WsdlTestCaseRunner . 我相信您可以进一步使用此WsdlTestCaseRunner createContext(StringToObjectMap properties)方法创建上下文。


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