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[英]CFile returns debug assertion

I have an old project in Visual C++ and I'm trying to migrate it to Visual Studio 2013. When I verify if a txt file exists, CFile returns debug assertion error. 我在Visual C ++中有一个旧项目,我正尝试将其迁移到Visual Studio2013。当我验证是否存在txt文件时, CFile返回调试断言错误。 The code is: 代码是:

if (!txt_file.Open(txt_name,    CFile::modeWrite | CFile::shareDenyWrite  | CFile::typeText))
    //action if the file exists

What is the problem, I'm doing something wrong ? 有什么问题,我做错了什么? Thank you 谢谢

LE : LE:

txt_file is declared as : CStdioFile txt_file in the class trace txt_file在类trace声明为: CStdioFile txt_file
txt_name is declared as : private CString txt_name in the method named open_file from class trace txt_name在类trace名为open_file的方法中声明为: private CString txt_name
The method open_file contains the if statement that returns debug assertion error. 方法open_file包含返回调试断言错误的if语句。

You are probably using: 您可能正在使用:

CFile txt_file;

CFile does not support text mode. CFile不支持文本模式。

To open in text mode, you can change to: 要以文本模式打开,您可以更改为:

CStdioFile txt_file;

That should fix the problem (at least, using CFile in this case generates an assertion). 那应该可以解决问题(至少,在这种情况下使用CFile生成一个断言)。

If you are using CStdioFile already, there's probably a problem with the (combination of) open modes. 如果您已经在使用CStdioFile ,则打开模式(的组合)可能存在问题。 As a test, try to remove CFile::shareDenyWrite . 作为测试,尝试删除CFile::shareDenyWrite There could be security restrictions too. 也可能有安全限制。

mfc\\filecore.cpp Line: 179 mfc \\ filecore.cpp行:179

It might be best to step through it with the debugger, or have a look at filecore.cpp Line: 179 to see what gets checked there (I would look it up for you, but don't have Visual Studio 2013 at hand right now - probably open modes). 最好是通过调试器逐步解决,或者查看filecore.cpp Line: 179 ,查看在那里检查了什么(我会为您查找,但现在没有Visual Studio 2013 -可能是开放模式)。

Update : 更新

This is line 179: 这是第179行:

// shouldn't open an already open file (it will leak)


The file is already opened. 该文件已经打开。 So no need to open it again, or first needs to be closed, to open with other open modes. 因此,无需再次打开它,或者首先需要关闭,才能以其他打开模式打开。


Or to test if the file is open (not valid for CMemFile ): 或测试文件是否打开(对于CMemFile无效):

if (txt_file.m_hFile != CFile::hFileNull) { // file already open

SOLVED ! 解决了 !

Instead of using the piece of code from the question to check if the file exists, I've used the following code : 我没有使用问题中的代码来检查文件是否存在,而是使用了以下代码:

  CFileStatus sts; //status flag
        bool chkifFileExists = CFile::GetStatus(txt_name, sts); // return TRUE if the file exists else return false

        if (!(chkifFileExists))

 //do something

Thank you all for your support ! 谢谢大家的支持!

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