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[英]HttpClient- adding parameters to Get request

I have a RestRequest which I am trying to convert to HttpClient Get request. 我有一个RestRequest,我试图转换为HttpClient获取请求。 Is there any way I can send parameters the way it is done below? 有什么方法可以按照下面的方式发送参数吗?

private readonly IRestClient _restClient;
public Type GetInfo(string name)
    var request = new RestRequest(url, Method.GET);
    request.AddParameter("name", "ivar");
    var response = _restClient.ExecuteRequest(request);
    return ExecuteRequest<Type>(request);

If I recall correctly, RestSharp's AddParameter method doesn't add request headers but rather add Uri arguments for GET or request body parameters for POST. 如果我没记错的话,RestSharp的AddParameter方法不会添加请求标头,而是为GET添加Uri参数或为POST请求体参数。

There is no analogous method for HttpClient so you need to format the Uri for a GET request yourself. HttpClient没有类似的方法,因此您需要自己格式化Uri以获取GET请求。

Here's a method I find handy that will take a dictionary of string/object pairs and format a Uri query string. 这是一个方便的方法,它将采用字符串/对象字典并格式化Uri查询字符串。

public static string AsQueryString(this IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>> parameters)
    if (!parameters.Any())
        return "";

    var builder = new StringBuilder("?");

    var separator = "";
    foreach (var kvp in parameters.Where(kvp => kvp.Value != null))
        builder.AppendFormat("{0}{1}={2}", separator, WebUtility.UrlEncode(kvp.Key), WebUtility.UrlEncode(kvp.Value.ToString()));

        separator = "&";

    return builder.ToString();

In the line where you are calling Request.AddParameter(name, value) , change that instead to Request.AddQueryParameter(name, value) . 在您调用Request.AddParameter(name, value) ,将其更改为Request.AddQueryParameter(name, value) For GETs this is the preferred approach and puts the parameters you specify into a querystring. 对于GET,这是首选方法,并将您指定的参数放入查询字符串。

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