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未考虑 IIS 重写模块 web.config 重写规则更新

[英]IIS Rewrite module web.config rewrite rule update not considered

I want to change a redirection in my web project.我想在我的 Web 项目中更改重定向。 However, when I change the rewrite rule in my web.config file the update is not considered and I still got the old url destination.但是,当我更改 web.config 文件中的重写规则时,不会考虑更新,并且我仍然得到旧的 url 目标。 I tried cleaning the project, but in vain.我尝试清理项目,但徒劳无功。 I think that there's somewhere a version cached of my web.config and I can't figure out how to find it and override it.我认为在某个地方缓存了我的 web.config 版本,我不知道如何找到它并覆盖它。

Restart the application pool in which you are running your ASP.Net application.重新启动运行 ASP.Net 应用程序的应用程序池 Simply updating the web.config on the server won't work, as you've already noticed.正如您已经注意到的那样,简单地更新服务器上的 web.config 是行不通的。

This question is old but relevant.这个问题很老但很相关。

What solved this problem for me was clearing cache in the web browser为我解决这个问题的是清除网络浏览器中的缓存

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