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如何在 Drupal 8 中获取分类术语的父 tid

[英]How do I get the parent tid of a taxonomy term in Drupal 8

I used the following to get the parent of a taxonomy term in drupal 8:我使用以下内容来获取 drupal 8 中分类术语的父级:

$parent = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('taxonomy_term')->loadParents($termId);

$parent = reset($parent);

Now that I have the parent how do I get the parent tid from that?现在我有了父母,我如何从中获得父母的信息?

Now that you have the term parent with the code:现在您有了带有代码的术语 parent:

$parent = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('taxonomy_term')->loadParents($termId);

$parent = reset($parent);

You can simply use the $parent->id() method to get your parent tid .您可以简单地使用$parent->id()方法来获取您的父tid

$term = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('taxonomy_term')->load($term_id);
$parent_term_id = $term->parent->target_id;

It will provide the parent id of the term if exist.如果存在,它将提供术语的父 ID。

You can pull the tree for the vocabulary and sift through that.您可以拉出词汇树并对其进行筛选。

// assuming $termId is the child tid..
$tree = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('taxonomy_term')->loadTree('VOCABULARY_NAME', 0);
for ($tree as $term) {
  if (in_array($termId, $term->parents)) {
    $parent_term = $term;

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