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如何在Windows App Studio中现有列表页面后插入子列表页面?

[英]How to insert a sub list page after an existing list page in Windows App Studio?

I am exploring Windows app studio , I want to create an app that will display a list of items by category, and each category must have a subcategory, but it looks like that the template does not have subcategories build in. I have choosed "My Products Catalog" template. 我正在探索Windows应用程序工作室,我想创建一个应用程序,该应用程序将按类别显示项目列表,每个类别都必须有一个子类别,但是看起来该模板没有内置子类别。我选择了“我的产品目录”模板。 How to add a new list page after the existing list page? 如何在现有列表页面之后添加新的列表页面? Should I choose a different template? 我应该选择其他模板吗?

The click order must be like this: 1st Category> subcategory> detail page 点击顺序必须是这样的:第一类别>子类别>详细信息页面

A screenshot of the windows app studio template: Windows应用程序工作室模板的屏幕截图: 在此处输入图片说明

Windows App studio currently does not support two level navigation within one section. Windows App Studio当前在一个部分中不支持两级导航。 You can setup something similar adding a "Menu" section for each category. 您可以设置类似的内容,为每个类别添加一个“菜单”部分。 In the menu you can add some sub-sections that can map to your sub-categories. 在菜单中,您可以添加一些子区域,这些子区域可以映射到您的子类别。

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