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[英]iOS: Random black screen when loading the app

I am having an issue, when I am loading my app I sometimes get a black screen, the app doesn't crash but I cannot get out of this black screen. 我遇到了一个问题,当我加载我的应用程序时,有时会出现黑屏,该应用程序不会崩溃,但我无法摆脱该黑屏。 The app is opening on a tableview loading remote data. 该应用程序正在打开加载远程数据的表格视图。 The bug is quite random so I have no clue how to replicate it and debug it. 该错误是随机的,因此我不知道如何复制和调试它。 I think it happens mostly the first time I install the app, but it also appears later on sometimes... I tried different answers here but none of them applied. 我认为大多数情况下是在我第一次安装该应用程序时发生的,但有时也会在以后出现...我在这里尝试了不同的答案,但都没有应用。 Any idea where this could come from? 知道这可能来自哪里吗?


The only reason I know is that you might be using an image exceeding the max supported resolution by the graphics card of the phone, which shows up as black on some devices. 我知道的唯一原因是您使用的图像可能超出了手机图形卡支持的最大分辨率,在某些设备上该图像显示为黑色。

please make more details on the app so we can help you. 请在该应用上提供更多详细信息,以便我们为您提供帮助。

After trying many things I just ended up deleting the view controller in the storyboard and recreating it from scratch and the problem disappeared. 经过尝试许多事情之后,我最终删除了情节提要中的视图控制器,并从头开始重新创建它,问题消失了。 I'm not sure what was the issue, maybe some bug in Xcode... 我不确定是什么问题,也许是Xcode中的一些错误...

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