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[英]jQuery - Trying to make one function to work with multiple, same class, divs

So i'm trying to make a simple gallery viewer in jquery. 所以我正在尝试在jquery中创建一个简单的库查看器。

I have something like this in my code: 我的代码中有这样的内容:

<div class="photoset">
  <img />
  <img />

<div class="photoset">
  <img />
  <img />
  <img />

And I want, while the first image is showing, the others to be hidden, and if I click on the right half of the image, the next image shows up. 我想要在显示第一个图像时将其他图像隐藏起来,如果我单击图像的右半部分,则显示下一个图像。

This is what I've got so far: 到目前为止,这是我得到的:

$(document).ready(function () {

    var counter = 0,
    $items = $('.photoset figure'), 
    numItems = $items.length;

    var showCurrent = function () {
        var itemToShow = Math.abs(counter % numItems); 

    $("div").click(function (e) {
        var pWidth = $(this).innerWidth();
        var pOffset = $(this).offset();
        var x = e.pageX - pOffset.left;
        if (pWidth / 2 > x) {
        else {


The click function works, but it change all the divs, and I think the counter does not work as I want it to work. 单击功能有效,但它会更改所有div,我认为计数器无法正常运行。

This is the code that generates the gallery: 这是生成图库的代码:

@foreach (var item in Model)
    <br />
    @Html.DisplayFor(modelitem => item.NomeGaleria)
    <br />
    <div class="photoset">

        @{ var item2 = item.FilePaths;}
        @for (var k = 0; k < Enumerable.Count(item2); k++)
        <br />
        <figure class="@(k == 0 ? "show" : "" ) ">
            <img src="~/images/@Html.DisplayFor(modelItem2 => item2[k].FileName)" alt="" height="300" width="500" />
        <br />

Sorry if the answer is obvious, I'm extremely new with jQuery/JavaScript. 抱歉,如果答案很明显,那么jQuery / JavaScript是我的新手。

Try that: 试试看:


<div class="photoset">
  <img src="http://inspirebee.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/animal-fashion-parade.jpg" />
  <img src="http://www.fubiz.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Fashion-Zoo-Animals18.jpg" />
  <img src="http://inspirebee.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/animal-in-fashion.jpg" />
  <img src="http://www.fubiz.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Fashion-Zoo-Animals20.jpg" />

<div class="photoset">
  <img src="http://www.fubiz.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Fashion-Zoo-Animals26.jpeg" />
  <img src="http://www.fubiz.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Fashion-Zoo-Animals14.jpg" />
  <img src="http://inspirebee.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/animal-fashion.jpg" />
  <img src="https://framboisemood.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/fashion-zoo-animals13.jpg" />
  <img src="http://www.fubiz.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Fashion-Zoo-Animals9.jpg" />


.photoset > img:not(:first-child) {
  display: none;

JavaScript: JavaScript:

$(document).ready(function() {
        $(this).data('counter', 0);

    var showCurrent = function(photoset) {
        $items = photoset.find('img');
        var counter = photoset.data('counter');
        var numItems = $items.length;
        var itemToShow = counter % numItems; 

    $('.photoset').on('click', function(e) {
        var photoset = $(this);
        var pWidth = photoset.innerWidth();
        var pOffset = photoset.offset();
        var x = e.pageX - pOffset.left;
        if (pWidth / 2 > x) {
            photoset.data('counter', photoset.data('counter') - 1);
        } else {
            photoset.data('counter', photoset.data('counter') + 1);

JSFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/ty0vqk2y/1/ JSFiddle: https ://jsfiddle.net/ty0vqk2y/1/

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